Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 121

“Welcome to the Wheelworld” Tossed in SpaceVII - Sonic the Hedgehog #129  

Welcome back to the the retrospective. We’ve skipped over most of the Tossed in Space arc. Not only because it doesn’t feature Bunnie nor Antoine, but also because most of what happens in it has very little relevance to the rest of the comic. 

Save for two things. In the first part of the arc it’s established that there are other multi-colored chaos emeralds in the universe and they have different properties from the green Mobius variety. This second is this issue, where we finally reveal what happened in “The Last Robian”.     
So as we saw previously the Bem know how to robotize and derobotize at whim. However it was a rogue Bem scientist who derobotized everyone, against the wishes of the Bem high council. 

Still doesn’t explain why she decided to wipe everybody’s memories. Nor why the comic decided to keep her identity a secret until now since we were introduced to the Bem just a few issues before that. And we still don’t get any explanation as to why the all the cyborgs on the planet were ignored during the process.

Anyways the other important thing to happen in the comic is that Sonic discovers Tails’s parents alive and well on the Bem planet. They were abducted and cured years ago, but have since been stuck there. 

Sonic manages to find a way home but it’s a one seater. They insist he takes it back while they remain behind for now. Ending the Tossed in Space arc. 
Well one of the Mobian moons. Still better contuinty than the actual games and the comic didn’t even fully cover SA2. 

Next we’ll cover one of the more controversial arcs in the series. 

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