Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 125

“Finale” Home IV - Sonic the Hedgehog #133

Everything picks back up where we left off last time. Sonic’s still fighting Mecha, Tails is trying to out wit ADAM, Sally’s freaking out over possibly losing Sonic again, and Team Red is taking on an army of robots. Only thing new is Shadow joins up with Team Blue to fight Eggman.

So it’s up to Bunnie to save the day! 
Sonic sends Bunnie to take out the nukes Eggman is planing to fire and he tells her to take Antoine as backup. Which is when get this bomb shell dropped on us….
Yup that should pretty much sum up everybody’s feelings when reading this. 

Now here’s the thing, I like drama as much as the next person. Considering that a whole year has past with out us being privy to it, this is a pretty effective reveal. One that sets up more mystery and some possible good story directions.  

However we will never see any those possible good plots and will instead get some really, really stupid shit. More on that next issue, though. Here it’s fine. I won’t fault this story for the bullshit that’ll come later. 

Anyways, Bunnie’s not done kicking ass as she has to destroy Eggman’s base and stop his missiles from launching. 
Tails meanwhile not only tricks Adam but shows him the meaning of “fun”, sowing the seeds for his future betrayal of Eggman. Without him all of Eggman’s robots just stop, saving Robotpolis. 

I still really enjoy this story arc. It’s well paced, it still feels fresh, there’s lots of mystery and action to be had, and everyone gets to participate. Giving each character a chance to show off who they are and they’re talents. 

On the other side of this issue is more M25YL. 

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