Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 122

“The Blue Blur Returns” Home I - Sonic the Hedgehog #130

Guys, I have a confession to make. I really, really, unironically, love this arc. Despite it’s various flaws, which I will get into. Despite all of the crap that will spawn from it in the future. This is still one of my favorite story arcs in the comic. (There’s three or four others I possibly enjoy more, but we haven’t gotten to them yet) 

Sonic finally arrives back on Mobius, only to realize he’s been gone for over a year and everyone believed him to be dead.

The first issue of the arc is primarily dedicated to showing us and Sonic what exactly has changed over the past year.    

There’s some natural progression, like Hersey and Geoffrey getting married. 
I love this scene cause it shows off just how sadistic this version of Eggman can be. Which helps to differentiate him from Robotnik.  

Or Knothole developing and growing into a more modern city.  
But we also get some some surprising reveals that are meant to set up future story lines and add a bit of mystery to the comic. 

Like Eggman now having “children” of his own. 
And then there’s this. 
Now I’m certain most of my followers who have read this era of the comics are just dying for me to discuss this “mystery” in greater detail. However, for the benefit of my readers who haven’t read the pre-reboot, I’m going to hold off for now. 

I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to wait till the reveal itself. Though up till now, I’ve always talked about the plot twists in the comic as I came upon them. I’m not sure it’s possible to do so with this sub-plot considering all of the behind the scene stuff that went on during it, but I want those who haven’t experienced this story for themselves to get a little bit of an idea of what it was like reading through it for the first time. 

As for the flaws I mentioned. This issue can get a little exposition heavy. There’s a lot of scenes that are just info dumping. However we also get amazing scenes like this mixed in with that. 
Like damn, that is fantastic! It’s rare for this comic have such a cinematic look to it, or to even just slow down just let you feel the emotion of a scene. So much so that this page really stands out among the pack. 

There’s also a lot more to recommend about this issue. It’s like every problem I had with the previous era has been washed away. No condensed story telling. No backups with Knuckles; he’s fully integrated into the comic’s story now. No seemingly out of place one shots that go no where. Stories are now connected and events that happened in previous stories now have actual consequences that do effect the characters. And most of all?  IT’S NOT BORING! 

It’s new! It’s different! It’s intriguing! It’s like a breath of fresh air after the staleness of the past two eras. Now real question is, will the arc remain this good after this issue? Find out next time on the Retrospective! 

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