Friday, August 12, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 74

“Don’t Call It a Come Back” Back in Business III - Sonic the Hedgehog #74 

So when we left off last time, all of the citizenry of Knothole disappeared. Sonic and company believe the disappearance to be connected to the mysterious satellites that have become active lately; along with several other disasters. Sonic wants to go up and investigate, but the Royal Dick-bag refuses.  

Oh, if only that were the case. Also being monarch isn’t a real reason Sally. Especially when said monarch has proven himself time and time again to be incompetent.  

Anyways, everyone comes around and agrees to help Sonic get to the bottom of whatever is going on and find his family. 

Nate helps them get one of Robotnik’s old space shuttles working, but they need Ducly to help them break through the atmosphere.  

Witness, the only thing Ducly’s ever done that’s worth a damn.  

Once there, everyone enters the satellite space station through the garbage shoot and are immediately attacked by swatbots. 

This is super nice to see again. The brilliance behind the 51-75 era is that they took a refreshing break from the normal formula, so that by the time they came back to it we wanted to see it again.  And that’s not to say the previous 20 something issues were boring, far from it actually, but rather seeing the old gang back in action after such a long break is indeed exciting.  

And everyone is contributing in a way that highlights how special each individual is. Sonic’s taking action, Bunnie’s kicking butt, Antoine is being nervous but brave, Tails is looking out for his buddies’ well being both emotional and psychical, Ducly’s flying, Nicole is giving strategy, and Sally is mediating between everybody. Even Amy gets to be a sweetheart and look out for everybody on the ground. The only thing missing is Rotor and his tech skills. He’s been replaced by Nate here, because Nate is redundant. 

So Robotnik seemly returns from the grave and the very first thing anybody does is to punch him in the face really, really hard!     

Did I mention how much I missed Bunnie doing stuff during this era? Cause, guys, this is beautiful!!!  

Moving on; turns out “Robotnik” captured all of the Robians and stripped them of there free will again and has them slaving on his ship. This thoroughly pisses Sonic off and he goes ballistic trying to pound the dude’s ass into the ground. Prompting concern from Tails. 

Antoine using his girlfriend's leg as a ladder to get down, ha! Oh and yes this a reminder that both Ant and Bunnie are really important to the on going story. They actually know things about Sonic that even his best friend and girlfriend doesn’t. 

“Robotnik” gets splattered with some toxic ooze during the fight and doesn’t die immediately. Leaving us with the cliffhanger for this issue. 

There’s a second story in the comic which is yet another chapter in the Tales of the Great War arc. 

More proof that Armand is awesome and one of the best parental figures in the comic’s history.  

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