Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 70

“Ghost-Busted” - Sonic Super Special #8 

Ok so this story is …..odd. Not to mention pointless. 

For starters we have yet another flashback story, but this time it’s being narrated by Tails. Only, given his commentary on Antoine, he must be telling this story beforeissue 46 or possibly even before issue 23
Meaning that this is now a flashback within a flashback. Once again, the Super Specials can’t keep up with the regular comic. >_>

Yet, it gets weirder folks. This story is also an adaption of an episode of Sonic SatAM. A show, that at the time of this comic’s publication date, had been canceled for nearly over a year. Of an episode that was actually one of the weaker stories on offer from the series.

Just… why? Why is this a thing? What was the purpose behind retelling this particular story, long after it was ever relevant? 

Anyways, turns out Ant was frighten by a “ghost”. This inspires Sonic to tell ghost stories all night, which give both Tails and Twan nightmares. 
This just might be the worst artwork we’ve seen in the comic yet. 

Tails wakes up from his nightmare only to realize Ant has disappeared. He and Sonic split up to go looking for him. They run into a mysterious glowing body. 
Only it turns out the the “ghost” was Antoine all along. 
Also, Twan apparently sleepwalks. I now demand a fanfic where Bunnie has to deal with waking up in the middle of the night to find her husband rummaging around the kitchen while still being asleep. 

I watched the episode this story is based off of before reviewing and while it’s a pretty accurate adaptation, adds very little to the proceedings outside of Tails’ unnecessary narration. On top of that it cuts out a lot of the atmosphere building and character interaction that made the original some what enjoyable.

I suppose, though, that this is is possibly the best time to give my thoughts on SatAm as a whole and why I personally prefer the comics to it’s sister series. 

While there is a lot of good things to recommend about SatAM; the art, the character/story concepts,a fantastic voice cast, ect. I can’t help but feel the show was lacking in regards of developing its characters and world. The series just felt too static and there was very little in the way of character focus drama despite having a very interesting cast to work with. 
Compare that to the comics. While one can debate the objective quality of the going series, there’s no denying that the book has manged to survive to this day because of its ability to grow, change, and adapt. Characters develop, the world they inhabit is expanded upon, and new things are constantly added into the mix.  
“Ghost Busted” highlights this problem. It’s one of the very few stories from the show that doesn’t center around Sonic or the gang defeating the threat of the day. Yet nothing actually happens. The characters’ perception of themselves or of others isn’t challenged in anyway, nor does anyone learn anything at the end. Antoine doesn’t over come any fears, Tails doesn’t learn to be brave, and Sonic’s well Sonic. It’s filler, pure and simple. Both here in the comic and in the original series.    

 The rest of the issue features a story about Monkey Khan, yet another flashback story where Sonic starts to age rapidly, and a prologue for the up coming Zone Wars arc. But most people remember it as the issue that’s also a Sailor Moon parody. 
Only it does absolutely nothing with the concept outside of dressing Sally, Amy, and Knux in silly outfits. 

Also is Amy Rose Knux and Sally’s kid in this world? Who would be the other sailor scouts? I vote Blaze as Mars, Bunnie as Jupiter, Nicole as Mercury, and Mina as Venus.

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