Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 69

“A Day In the Life” Juice Joint Jeopardy I - Sonic the Hedgehog #69

So kind of like with a “Brave New World”, issue 69 is a bit of a slice of life type story in order to setup future character arcs and establish the world more. I‘m a sucker for such stories and, I honestly feel the comic needs more of them.    

Both Sally and Elias are still recoiling from the major adjustments to both their lives. Their mom’s sick, their dad’s a dick, and both feel as if the life they wanted is being pulled away from them. 
Here’s the thing, Uncle Chuck pulled this same shit on Sonic just 20 issues ago. But Uncle Chuck apologized, talked to Sonic and listened to his concerns, and then never did it again! Max’s so called apology is filled with excuses and personal validation with no thought as to what his children feel. While turning around in the very next sentence and deciding their lives for them all over again. He’s not sorry. He’s a controlling asshole! 
Seeing how Sally is emotionally drained by what’s happening, her friends decide to take her out on the town for some fun. They also take Nate Morgan, so as to give him the tour of the city. They offer Elias the opportunity to come along as well, but he declines. Elias is very much an introvert and tends to distress by himself or with one person he’s really close with. A whole group of strangers dragging him around a crowded city wouldn’t have been a good time for him.  
They all go to a Juice Bar that also has a disco floor and we get this scene. 
We had Bunnie’s admittance of love back in issue 46, and now here’s Antoine’s. Granted he doesn’t confess his feelings to her just yet, (that’ll come later viewers) but he is acknowledging that this is more than just a crush. 

Also headconnon is confirmed: Antoine writes sappy poetry and serenades Bunnie with corny old French love songs. 

Anyways the whole reason Soinc pulled Twan aside wasn’t to talk about his love life but rather to discuss his father. 
Remember, unlike the rest of his friends, Antoine had given up all hope of ever seeing any of his family ever again. All these family reunions must be extra painful to watch when you’ve grown up as an orphan. 
Sonic decides to tell him about his papa being alive. Which is interesting because back in KtE #12 Sonic was willing to keep General D'coolette a secret. Presumably for the same reasons as to why and Uncle Chuck and now King Max did. What made him change his mind? It’s never stated outright, but I think Sally did or rather seeing Sally so upset over her dad keeping such important secrets from her did. Combine that with his own experiences and Knuckles’, Sonic’s realized that keeping information about someone’s family hidden only harms everyone in the long run, no matter how good your intentions are for doing so.    

Also overprotective girlfriend Bunnie is best Bunnie. 

However all of this angst is cut short as the action arrives on the scene. Everyone is attacked by the escaped convicts from #63 and they kidnap Nate Morgan. 
The second story is the further adventures of Lupe and the Wolf pack. 

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