Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 80

“Bunnie Rabbot: Upgrade” - Sonic Super Special #11

After going for nearly an entire era without Bunnie doing hardly anything at all, we finally get a story that focuses on her. And it is perhaps her most important story ever.  

While working, Bunnie gets ill and faints. 

After rushing her to the hospital and stabilizing her; the doctor gives her some bad news. 

I know that’s a wall of text, so I’ll summarize. Basically, Bunnie’s robotic implants are poisoning the rest of her body due to corrosion.  Her three options for survival are…..
  1. Remove her robotic limbs completely, making her an amputee. She’d be bound to a wheel chair; though with the small hope that a cure could be found later. 
  2. Replace her cybernetics with upgraded new ones. She would be able to continue with her life as she has been, but with no hope of ever becoming normal, because her new limbs would be fully robotic not robotized organic martial.(Robotization uses nanite technology to marry organic tissue to cybernetic microchips on a microbiological level. Meaning you could potentially reverse the process and separate the organic from the robotic. It wouldn’t work on normal robotics, though)  
  3. Risk derobotization right now. As stated above. Derobotization can only reverse original robotized tissue. Over the years Bunnie’s been giving upgrades to help combat Robotnik. These power ups would be regular robotics and wouldn’t convert the same way as her robotized half. Meaning she could die from having foreign objects randomly trapped within her reformed organic body.(Presumably this is why she hasn’t undergone the processes yet and why she didn’t use the “port-a-bot” back in Mecha Maddness. Even though they didn’t explain that at the time. One could also assume that’s why the rest of the Robians haven’t under gone the procedure either. Though there’s the hope that a solution could be found later)  
None of these options are particularly appealing. There’s pros and cons to all of them, but the biggest blow is that she now is even further away from her goal of becoming normal more than ever.  

Fortunately for her, Antoine is there to be the best damn boyfriend ever! 

Guys, if there was ever any doubt that this ship wasn’t endgame than go back and read this story. Cause this right here. Right now. Is where they went from “just dating” to life partners. Yes, I know it’ll be awhile before the actual proposal and wedding. Yes, I know about the shit storm that’s coming that they’ll have to weather out. But it doesn’t matter. This here is the moment Antoine committed himself to being with her for the rest of his life. 

It’s also the moment Bunnie started to accept herself for who she is. She’s not fully there yet. She still has a ways to go before she gains the self-esteem and confidence she needs, but this is a major first step. 

Because Bunnie agrees to have the new cybernetic implants. She gives up her dream of ever being “normal”, but she hopefully has gained a new dream in return. A life filled with unconditional love and acceptance. 

And with that we have come full circle. Bunnie inspired Antoine down his path of redemption and in return he has helped her onto the road to recovery.  

The rest of the comic features a bunch of short stories focusing on some of the other ladies of Sonic. Sally learns not to trust the Source of All, Hershey goes on a solo mission, Lupe gets robotized, and Julie-Su rediscovers her origins. All in all, I highly recommend the issue, cause it’s always nice when the women get some of the spot light. 


Oh, hi there Armand! How you doing? 

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