Monday, August 22, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 79

”Rebel Without A Pause” - Sonic the Hedgehog #77

So after Eggman’s take over, the Freedom Fighters return to Robotropolis to rescue the captured Mobians and to erase Knothole’s location from Eggman’s database.  They split up into two groups. 

Sonic, Sally, and Dulcy are on one team. Where they meet Mina Mongoose. 
More on her later folks. 

While Bunnie, Antoine, and Tails are on the other team. And they make it back to Knothole before Sonic and Sally. 
King Max here had ordered them to not go on any missions, disbanding the freedom fighters. 

He’s of coursed pissed. Now weather or not it’s because he’s worried about his daughter or because he’s a dick who can’t stand not to have people listen to him, is up in the air. Either way, witness the one and only time where the FFs stand up to him! 
It’s a weaksauce attempt because none of them are wanting to outright accuse their king of being an unreasonable asshat. They place the focus of their arguments on excusing Sonic’s actions rather than point out how the king was in the wrong to begin with. 

So when Sally and Sonic get back they are met with not applause and gratitude, but with hushed foreboding.  
I just like this little bit of interaction between Ant and Bunnie here, that is all. 

At first it appears as if the gang’s words had resonated with old Maxie. For once he doesn’t belittle his daughter and seems grateful that she’s safe. And he actually apologizes to Sonic. 
It’s not an “ego thing” it’s a “dick thing”. 

Now if handled properly, this could have been a point of character development for Max. But don’t get your hopes up; nothing’s actually changed here. 

The rest of the comic continues the Tales of the Great War arc. 

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