Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 73

“The Truth Is Out There” Back In Business II - Sonic the Hedgehog #73

It’s the wedding anniversary for Sonic’s parents and, he, Uncle Chuck, and Nate Morgan give them a pair of wedding bands made from Power Rings. Since their old ones were lost during the war. 
And this is my biggest problem with Karl Bollers as a writer. While I don’t necessarily dislike Nate, he’s such a redundant character. There was no need for him to be the secret creator of the power rings when we already had Uncle Chuck. The same goes for the wish granting Ring Of Acorns, when the One Billionth Ring could have sufficed. He just has this nasty habit of adding in or forcing unnecessary shit onto the comic.    

Anyways Sally calls a meeting to discuss the weird events that have been happening lately. But before that she has a heart to heart with her bother Elias.
No, he wouldn’t, Elias. No, he wouldn’t. 

Friendly reminder that Bollers is just as equally responsible for making Max an abusive dick as Penders is. 

I honestly like Elias quite a bit. It took a while for me to warm up to him, but now he’s genuinely the character I miss the most since the reboot.  
I love that Amy’s already considered part of the group. 

Anyways all the Freedom Fighters gather to hear Nicole’s evidence. Turns out all those satellites we’ve been seeing have been activating whenever something bad happened and, our heroes put two and two together.  
This is a good pay off to the months of long term story telling the comic’s been attempting during this era. All the subtle hints and random events being connect by this simple device. 

While they are talking, the last satellite activates and, then all of the satellites come together to make a space station.   
Turns out this correlates with all of the Robians from Knothole going missing, leading us to our cliffhanger for this issue.  

The second story in the comic is the continuation of “Tales of the Great War.” 
It’s ironic that the Overlanders are always being accused by Mobians of being overly violent and xenophobic and, yet is was Mobians who caused the Great War in the first place. I wonder if that was meant to be intentional commentary or not.    

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