Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 78

“Zone Wars: A Tale of Two Hedgehogs” - Sonic Super Special #10

So we return to the world of Anti-Mobius and the Suppression Squad. They’re having difficulty over throwing the good Dr. Kintobor and are discussing strategies. In this outing we finally get a little more insight into who the anti-Freedom Fighters are. 
Well, more insight into Alicia and Patch anyways. Boomer and Miles are still just generic thugs and anti-Bunnie is nowhere to be seen. 

Patch is what would have happen if Antoine had given into his insecurities instead over coming them. He steps on people and even uses violence to get what he wants. All in a desperate bid for respect and admiration. But unlike Scourge, Patch tends to be more manipulative. Using also charm and wit to squirm his way into the good graces of those in power. He’s kind of like a more competent Snively, in that manner.

Alicia appears to be a less independent Sally. She’s perfectly capable of taking charge and yet she depends on Scourge to take the lead. When unsatisfied with his progress, she offers the job to Patch instead of just doing it herself. She also seems to thrive on attention in a way Sally doesn’t. Accepting Patch’s advancements and returning in them in kind.  

One has wonder if old Anti-Max was just as abusive as his prime counterpart. Is Alicia what would have happened if Sally had been raised by her father while growing up? Instead of gaining the confidence to be a leader on her own, her self esteem was broken by a controlling parent figure. Which is why she took the effort to dethroned him and only to then give the power to someone else. 

What I find really fascinating though, is how these slight but important changes alter the dynamic between Anti-Antoine and Anti-Sally. They openly flirt with one another, they have a shared interest in conquest, they both have self esteem issues and need constant admiration from others. Yet in spite of seemly now having more in common, they lack the deeper friendship that the original Sally/Antoine pairing was built off of.   

I totally ship Patch and Alicia, guys. I think they’re just the right kind of awful and disturbed that you could probably get a great story out of it. An unhealthy power couple using each other to claw their way to the top.    

Anyways this fight leads to the anti-FFs abandoning Scourge and going their own way. And we cut to the real FFs having a picnic. 
Antoine just casually taking a nap in Bunnie’s lap is the best thing ever! Gah, I live for little things like this. 

Also we get even more confirmation that Antoine is the best cook out of the group. 
Sally’s just sad that she can’t compare to Ant’s fine cooking skills…

Zonic the Zone Cop shows up to inform Sonic that Scourge is causing trouble another world and asks for Prime Sonic’s help. And the rest of the story is a crossover withSonic Underground. I know very little about the show and have yet to watch any of it. All I do know is that Sonic has a bother and sister, they have band together, and Uncle Chuck is it in despite none of the other SatAM characters being involved. Which is weird. 

But eventually Scourge is caught and imprisoned in the in-between zone. Where we discover that Patch did not become the new leader of the Suppression Squad.  
The special also features a crossover with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It’s silly, but it does a good job representing the two franchises. Which already makes it leagues better than the Image crossover. It’s also possibly my fav crossover. Cause unlike Megaman, I actually have some familiarity with the world of Sabrina. 
Salem’s my spirit animal ya’ll. 

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