Monday, August 15, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 75

“I Am the Eggman!” Back In Business IV - Sonic the Hedgehog #75

So the new Robotnik is revealed to actually be Robo-Robotnik. Remember him from issue #19?  He’s popped up a few more times since then. However this time he’s defeated the Sonic from his world and has come to Mobius Prime seeking a new challenge. 
This of course doesn’t sit well with Bunnie. 
While the FFs are all trapped “Robo-Robotnik” sends his swatbots down to attack Mobotropolis. We get to see some of the non-Freedom Fighters be heroes and rescue some people, but ultimately the city has to be abandon again. 

Fortunately while the villain’s back is turned, Snively, of all people comes to the rescue.    
Have I ever mentioned how much I love, Snivley? Cause, like I really do. The Iron Queen maybe my fav villain in the series but her boyfriend here is a very, very close second. 

Sally’s brought a bomb to blow up the satellites, while Sonic heads off to rescue his family. He’s too late to save the rest of the Robians, but as luck would have it his mom and dad kept their free will though the power of their magic wedding bands.  
Everyone escapes, the base blows up, Mobotropolis is now Robotropolis once again, everyone not a robot has evacuated to Knothole, Robians have lost their free will again, including Uncle Chuck once more, and “Robo-Robotnik” gains a new body. 
And with that I shall now refer to him only as “Eggman”. Because that’s who he is and it helps distinguish him from the original Robotnik better. 

So all in all, with the exception of a few minor things here and there, we’re back to square one. I would call this retroactive, but there’s just enough here that’s unique to keep it from feeling like a retread. Though the question still remains on weather or not the coming era can differentiate itself from the early comic’s formula. 

But before we find the answer to that question, tune in next time when we recap this era. 

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