Monday, August 8, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 72

“I, Robotnik” Back In Business I - Sonic the Hedgehog #72

This issue is mainly both set-up for the upcoming story arc and a recap. 

Rotor and Nate build a bunch of televisions so King Max can broadcast a speech. And everyone tunes in to watch. 

Now Sonic is at his folks’ place watching and Sally’s with her dad as he makes her speech, so my question is, “Who’s house is this?” All of the FF are there so is it a special dorm for them all? Is it Twan’s place cause he’s technically 18 and therefore an adult who can legally live on his own? Is this Rosie’s home and all of the FF without parents right now still live with her? These are the questions that keep me up at night!  

Anyways the broadcast is hijacked by those satellites that we saw back in issue 62, and an “unknown” announcer proceeds to recaps Robotnik’s life with a very slanted/biased view of events. All while bringing up some very painful memories and regrets for our cast. 
Everyone save Antoine that is.    

Look at this wonderful dork! He’s so proud of his service for his country! 

Also, who’s house is this, again!? 

The broadcast ends with no other incident, Rotor leaves to go find his family, and Snively has been captured by…….dun, dun dun! Robotnik!!!! 

The other story featured in the comic is the first part of the Tales of the Great War arc, which is a series a flashback stories chronicling the history of Mobius.  

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