Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 76

The 25 Recap - 3rd Era

We’ve come to yet another bench mark and it’s time for me to recap the last 25 issues. 

The 3rd era includes…
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 51-75 
  • Knuckles the Echidna 1-28 
  • Sonic Super Specials 1-9 (minus 6)
The third era is all about change. It breaks the formula of old and gives us new villains, new conflicts, new characters, and a new world to explore. And just when all the “new” is getting tiresome they return to form just to shake things up again. 
 Major events of the era are….
  • The Dark Legion shows up KtE 1
  • Introduction of Julie-Sue, Knuckles’ Mother, and Echdinapolis KtE 4 & 5 
  • Robians regain their free will and Sonic finds out his parents are alive SSS 1
  • Ixus Nagus, Kudos, and Uma Arachnis appear StH 53 
  • Monkey Khan is introduced StH 55 
  • The return of Dmitri and the fall of Mammoth Mogul (the master emerald is created) KtE 7-9 & StH 56 
  • King Max is restored SSS 4
  • Armand D'Coolette is discovered alive and Rob O’Hedge is introduced StH 58
  • The Source of All is revealed StH 58 
  • The fabled city of Albion is found KtE 12
  • Sonic meets the Sandblast Freedom Fighters and Jack the Rabbit StH 63
  • Meet Nate Morgan StH 64 
  • Prince Elias and Queen Alicia is found and Knuckles meets the Brotherhood KtE 19 & 20 
  • The first appearance of the Iron Queen StH 60
  • The Ring of Acorns is rediscovered StH 67 
  • Sonic’s 16th birthday StH 68 
  • Antoine confesses his love for Bunnie StH 69
  • Zonic the Zone Cop is introduced SSS 8
  • Sonic gets a redesign StH 71 
  • The Return of Robotnik (aka. Eggman shows up) StH 72-75
Favorite thing about the era: Breaking the Formula 

As I mentioned before, this era is all about change and I adore it for that. The whole reason this comic appeals to me (outside of having the ultimate OTP) is that it isn’t static like so many other comics out there. 

Least favorite thing about the era: Not enough Bunnie and Antoine 

As much as I enjoy the era, there’s no denying that the power couple took a backseat for most of it. Antoine was present in a few stories , but all too often received too little focus within them. And Bunnie got jack! She only got to do something in 4 issues max. 

Favorite Antoine Story: “Monkey Madness” StH 55 by Frank Strom 
I just really like the interplay between Antoine and Sonic in this one. I think it’s a major step in their relationship. One that helps solidify their dynamic post character development.  

Favorite Bunnie Story: “Down and Out in Downunda” SSS 4 by Micheal Gallagher
This is, quite literally, the only story in this era to have Bunnie do something other than stand around or punch stuff really hard. Granted, I love seeing her beat the crap out bad guys, but there’s more to her than just that! The comic really underserved her during this era. 

Favorite Buntwan Story or Moment: Antoine confesses his love for Bunnie in “A Day in the Life” StH 69 by Karl Bollers 
It’s a small, tucked away moment within a larger story, but it’s still very important to their growth as a couple. 

Favorite Single Story: “A Brave New World” SSS 1 by Ken Penders 
Yup, it’s still one of my favorites guys. I wish the comic would take the time to slow down and reflect on the characters more often, like this story does. 

Favorite Story Arc: Back In Business StH 72 - 75 by Karl Bollers 
It was a close call between this and The Lost Tribe. As much as I enjoy the latter, the arc had some pacing issues and had trouble juggling all the characters.  Back In Business is a payoff for a longer arc and is therefor less rushed in execution. Plus, all of the characters get to participate and show off their skill sets. 

Favorite Artist: Manny Galan
Manny Galan really came into his own during this era. Becoming something of a hybrid between Patrick Spaziante and Art Mawhinney. His work features all of the action, movement, and flow of Spaz but with Mawhinney’s more on-model attention to character design. 

So much for this recap. Tune in next time when we start in on the fourth era of the comic.  

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