Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 68

“Parallel Paradigm” - Sonic Super Special #7 

So here we come to the infamous Image crossover issue. And honestly I haven’t got much to say about it. But it does set up a important (though stupid) plot point for later. 

Antoine makes a passing mention to a previous love affair. One that wasn’t Sally, and it apparently didn’t end well. Said love will make an appearance much later on down the line in what is perhaps the dumbest Antoine/Bunnie story, but more on that later. 
He jokes, but Linkara’s reaction perfectly demonstrates the main problem of this story. To us fans, we know that Antoine really is a genuinely nice person who is stuck in this transitional period during this part of his character development. But to non-fans, and any Image fans picking up the book at the time, wouldn’t know that from the way the characters are presented here. Same goes for the Image characters. If you’re here for the Sonic portion, you’re going to be left high and dry wondering just who the fuck are these people. 

 The comic does a very poor job of defining everybody, their individual stories, and personalities. Though I guess, given how little they’ve been featured this era, we should be grateful that the FFs were still deemed worthy enough to appear rather than Knuckles extended family.Though, Dimitri and Locke still manage to make a cameo anyway.     
Oh and apparently this story takes place before the World Tour arc; despite  not being released until said arc was nearly over.  
What is with the Super Special series and flashback stories? Why can’t they release things in semi order? 

Anyways, if you want a more thorough break down of what is wrong with this comic I highly recommend Linkara’s previously mentioned review. The guy gives a pretty fair and unbiased opinion on the individual work itself rather than trying to drag the whole series like some reviewers have been known to do. 

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