Monday, July 11, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 59

”The Ultimatum” - Sonic the Hedgehog #60

So we have yet another story that doesn’t directly involve Antoine, but is important to future story lines concerning him later on down the road. 

King Acorn reveals the Source of All to Sally. What it does and what her duties as royalty entails. All while proving just how much of a colossal dickhead he really is.   


I hate Max. Like I really, really dislike this dude. There is no other character in the entire Sonic franchise I despise more. He is a moronic, self-absorbed, entitled, asshat who never fucking learns. He just keeps making the same mistakes over and over and over again. 

But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is no one ever calls him out on his BS, ever. The idea of this king you’ve worked so hard to restore to the throne turning out not to be the benevolent ruler you’ve remembered through hazy nostalgia, could have made for compelling drama. But compelling drama requires change. And if the character himself won’t develop than the character’s around him and the his relationships with them need to change instead.   

However, all we’re ever going to get is Sally (and occasionally Elias) crying her/theireyes out but never actually breaking the cycle of abuse. Sonic making snappy quips and breaking laws but never actually challenging the king’s authority. Geoffrey being a sneaky undermining influence, but for his own beliefs/ends not out of his abhorrence of Max in general. While everyone else just goes along without question.(and before you mention the Powers, they hated monarchy in general and tried to dethrone Elias instead)       

Anyway’s Max disapproves of Sonally, because the Source has shown him the future and he claims to know who the real endgame is. 


That’s right, Old Maxie here is a rare Saltoine shipper, and not in the BrOTP way that I am, either. (Is it Saltoine, Saltwan, or Antlly, guys?)

 Ok  there are two things here to discuss. First, this is set up for a future story line that is way on down the road. One which won’t become relevant until after the Source has long been gone and forgotten. Just know that the Source of All is a laying bastard that only shows half-truths. 

The second; What the hell makes you think Antoine would even be interested in marrying Sally, Max? He’s already in a steady relationship with someone he loves. Or haven’t you met Bunnie yet? Or do you think he’ll just accept your orders without question because he’s a soldier? Or perhaps you’re just the delusional type of shipper that pervades tumblr and insists that your OTP is cannon/endgame after it’s been officially over for 4 months now and the rest of the fandom has moved on, and believes that everyone else who disagrees with you is just too blind or politically incorrect to see it?


(Great, now I want someone to RP Max as a pedantic tumblr shipper. It would be comedy gold guys!)  

So Max threatens to disown Sally, cause he’s an abusive dick. Only Sally’s been in charge for longer than he has, has more political followers, and would continue to lead with or without his approval/title. If it came down to a power struggle between the two of them she would be the one who’d realistically win. It’s just she’s been thrown for a loop emotionally by these turn of events. His actions don’t line up with his “loving father” image she and others have cultivated over the years; which is how real abusive relationships often work.  
Yet this also leads back into Antoine. We all know he would decline the offer to marry Sally, and when he did what would Max do? Threaten to take away his title and duties as well? That wouldn’t stop him from fighting and protecting people, all it would do would make him question his loyalty to the crown? Would he call Ant a traitor for disobeying his wishes and throw him in jail or banish him? All that would accomplish would be to turn the rest of the Freedom Fighters against him. So anyway you look at it Max’s plan is stupid. 

 And Sally knows it’s stupid. She knows Antoine better than Max could ever hope. She knows he wouldn’t accept the marriage proposal and would stand by in her decision not to marry. And she knows all her friends would as well.    

This could have made for a really interesting story if Sally had just told her friends what her dad attempted to make her do. If Max really had had that talk with Twan. Or if the stupid Source of All wasn’t such a dead end tale. Shame really. 

The second story this issue features the return of Monkey Khan and the first appearance of The Iron Queen. 


She’s honestly my favorite villain in the whole comic.    

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