Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 56

“Monkey Madness” - Sonic the Hedgehog #55  

OK, so this is the story that introduces Monkey Khan. 


But more importantly it’s the story where Antoine and Sonic finally have a heart to heart conversion about their issues. 

The story starts off with Sonic, Sally and Antoine tracking down some of Snively’s Eggbots. Antoine’s tired cause he can’t keep up, but Sonic’s a jerk and leaves him behind anyways. No doubt because Ant found out his real name last review…..


Yeah, it’s easy to giggle about it, princess, when your the one being carried!  

They come across the Eggbots digging for something. While Sally wonders off with Nicole to hunt down some energy readings, Ant and Sonic try to devise a plan of attack. 


Alright, so what we have here, beyond just their petty teasing, is the core of their relationship issues. Remember way back in issue 25, when I said Ant and Sonic are rivals because they are fundamentally opposites? Well this scene highlights this properly. 

Even though they’ve buried the hatchet and are no longer competing with one another, they still find it hard to see eye to eye on important matters. Sonic always rushes head long into action and thinks on his feet. Antoine prefers to use careful strategy and, as we’ll see later, diplomacy.      

However, what Sonic now needs to learn is that what worked for him in the past is longer a viable default course of action in a post-Robotnik world. Mindless robot’s can’t reason nor be hurt, but cyborgs, robians, and wizards can…  

For instance when Monkey Khan is freed, the first thing he does is to attack the Eggbots. But as soon as Sonic finds out he was built by Robotnik, he attacks  the newly found cyborg. 

Monkey Khan leaves in a huff and takes Sally with him. Now leaving Sonic and ‘Twan to defend themselves from the rest of the robots. Leading to this exchange….     


I know, that’s a lot of un-edited pages, but I couldn’t bring myself to cut out this brilliant conversation. 

Antoine isn’t just talking about his personal problems with Sonic anymore, but about something that’s been going on with Sonic for a while now. Ever since “Brave New World” , after finding out about his parents, Sonic’s been on edge lately. Acting out, being rude to everyone, angry, resentful, and frustrated at the changing world around him.

 Afraid that he no longer has a place in a time of peace. All he knows is how to fight, but he’s grown ever more worried that he’s no longer needed. And being presented with new problems that he can’t just punch or run away from has knock him for a loop. And he’s taken that frustration out on everyone and everything lately.  

Tails tried to get him see the bright side of the situation. Sally tried to reason with him, using logic and diplomacy. Uncle Chuck lent him a sympathetic ear and had a heart to heart with him. Explaining how he understood Sonic’s feelings. Even Rosie, you know that woman that’s raised Sonic for the past ten years, tried to help by giving him sagely advice. 

Yet, it is Antoine, of all people, that finally gets through to him. By stating the harsh truth.

It’s ok to feel hurt, angry, and frustrated at the way your life is going. But the moment you start to take your rage out on others. The moment you ignore the feelings of those around you, cause you’re too wrapped up in your own pity party to notice them. Is the moment you need a metaphorical kick in the arse, and for someone to remind you how your selfish behavior effects others. 

And who better to remind Sonic of this than Antoine? The man who knows all too well about how letting resentment get the better of you can hurt the people you care about the most. 

 But as sweet as this interaction is , they still need to take care of the Eggbots. 


Well, maybe not the first time, but certainly the first time they had to work together without anyone else helping. It’s just another small step in the road to recovery for their friendship. 

Sally talks to Khan, and they both come back to help defeat the rest of the robots. Sonic also apologizes, hopefully he’ll start to make amends with his friends and family next. 

The rest of the comic covers the growing troubles between Robians and Mobians, while also showcasing how much of a dick Max is, and then leads into a crossover with Knuckles for the next issue.

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