Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 58

“Journey’s End” The Forgotten Tribe III - Knuckles the Echidna #12

This is our first, and quite possibly, only foray into the Knuckles series. It’s very rare for Antoine and Bunnie to interact with Knuckles or the Chaotix and when they do it’s usually along side the other FFs. Not always, but usually. 

Today we wrap up the Mercia arc. Knuckles, Sonic, Tails, and our Robbin Hood proxies team up to rescue the tribe from General D’Coolette. What follows is a huge action sequence. 

Afterwards, while making their escape, Tails asks the elephant in the room. 
Interesting choice on Sonic’s part. Just a few issues ago, Sonic was furious at his Uncle Chuck for keeping his parents’ robotization a secret. Now here, Sonic is deciding to do the same thing to Antoine. Presumably, for the same reasons as Chuck; because he cares. He doesn’t want Ant to go through any unnecessary pain. But is he in the right? He also doesn’t help his case when he makes the excuse that it’s “Rob’s problem now.”  As if he was trying to avoid all responsibility at this point. 

Speaking of Rob, in true Robin Hood fashion, we get a show down between him and the High Sheriff D’Coolette. 
I’ve always enjoyed Robin Hood and its various incarnations. I also have a strong interest in the evolution of fairy tales, folklore, and mythologies. Retellings and adaptations tend to perk my curiosity, especially if they can put a unique spin on things.    

This story is no different. By casting the sheriff as someone who was once good. As someone who was corrupted against their will. As someone who was once respected and still personally means a lot to our main heroes. We the audience, suddenly have a reason to root for the villain. 

We don’t want this version of Robin Hood to fully win. That doesn’t mean we dislike him or necessary want him to lose either. It’s just we’re more invested in the villain’s story than his. 

That isn’t something most Robin Hood adaptations can lay claim to. Moral ambiguity isn’t usually presented in these types of legends. ( and if it is, suspect it to be a darker, gory, ADULT version. Ick! ) 

 Anyways Rob survives the explosion. He and Mari-An decide they want to marry each other after only knowing one another for less than a day! He also leads the tribe to the lost city of Albion. A standing in for the fabled city of Avalon. Mixing in some Arthurian legends into this Robin Hood tale. 

All in all, I enjoyed this little arc, even though it could have befitted by being an issue or two longer. We some many characters running around, things start getting a little cramped story wise. 

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