Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 62

“When You and I Were Young, Sally” Sonic Kids I - Sonic Super Special #5 

In truth, I should have covered this issue before the “Icon” arc, seeing as it was released after “The Forgotten Tribe”. But I suppose it doesn’t really matter since every story in it is a flashback. And since each story offers up something new to talk about, I’ll be covering each individually rather than making one ultra long post.  

This story covers the formation of the Freedom Fighters. How they set upon the path of rebellion and founded their headquarters.

We open up with everyone as kids, all playing together and rough housing inside. That is until Rosie runs them outside.  
This exchange always puzzled me. Didn’t Rosie take care of all of the children? Why would she be so condescending and contemptuous towards them? I can understand being annoyed at the mess they made, but this feels out of character. Wouldn’t it be better to give this attitude to Julayla? You know instead of making her all knowingly perfect? You could have fleshed her character out while also highlighting her’s and Rosie’s different philosophies. Julayla is logical and prizes education and hard work above all else, while Rosie is more emotionally driven and understands the importance of relationships better. This could have all been conveyed beautifully if the writers had just switched their dialogues around a bit. And doing so wouldn’t have changed the plot in the slightest. 

Anyways, while the kids are playing outside,Tails starts to feel a little down.So Sally tries to cheer him up.
Ha! Even as children Sally still always had nice things to say about Ant. They are besties guys! Why doesn’t anybody else understand the beauty of their broship, sides me? 

Also he does indeed have an amazing voice. Isn’t that right Mr. Paulson? 
Moving right along, Sonic gives Tails the idea that he can fly using his tails,and against all logic it works. Only he can’t control his flight path and lands inside the hollow log that now serves as the entrance to their HQ.  
And thus it begins. 

Now for a little theorizing before we close things out. When does this take place precisely? How long has it been since the coup,if most of them don’t understand the full implication of what’s been happening? Surly Ant, more than anybody, would have if his father has been proclaimed missing in action. Or maybe this is before he lost his parents? He seems pretty happy right now and that wouldn’t be the case if his mom had just died. And he’s right at that age where it would have happened, so…… I’m guessing this is just before the tragedy struck.  

It could also explain Rosie’s earlier behavior if she hasn’t officially become his foster parent yet. Even though she would have been for all the other kids anyways. I guess she still thinks the war will be over soon and views herself more of a babysitter currently? It could be that the death of Antoine’s parents is what made her realize that her job as caretaker was a little more long term than expected. 

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