Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 64

“Total Re-Genesis” - Super Sonic Special #5

We’ve come to the last of the stories in SSS#5.There is some mater of debate over the chronological placement of this story. Some sources have placed it between issues #38 and #39, while others have it as late as issue #54. Either way, it’s still a flash back. 

Sonic, Sally, and Antoine are investigating an energy signal, when they come across reactivated Combot. 
They say it was left over from the ambush in issue #38. Hence why some sources place the story right after it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it does. This one was skipped over after the initial clean up and could have been laying there for who knows how long. Not to mention that in the next page both Ant and Sonic talk about Robotnik in the past tense as if he was already gone. 
My personal theory is that this takes place right before A Brave New World. The Freedom Fighters would have had to do some clean up of the more dangerous bots before everyone could move back into Robopolis. 

Anyways, everybody gives their own personal account of how they defeated the combot. And it gives a lot of insight into how each person views themselves and their peers. 
First Sally claims she took out the robot by creating a landslide with her phaser. She views herself as a “brains over brawn” type person who’s always cool under pressure. This isn’t too far off the mark, but she still exaggerates her abilities by down playing the boys.    
Both Sonic and Ant are portrayed as being useless scaredy cats, who both get knocked out at the very beginning. Now depending on where you place this story, that might be true of Antoine but obviously Sonic is out of character.    

Then Sonic claims to have blown up the robot by running into it very fast. Like he usually does. However, his portal of everyone is even further off the mark than Sally’s was. 
We’ve always known that Sonic has a bit of an ego, but this really puts things into light. He’s really bought into the hero worship over the years, and if this takes place before SSS#2 he’s in for a rude awaking very soon. 

As for Antoine’s account? Well I’ll just let you read it for yourselves. 
So what do we learn from this? 

First off never mess with Ant’s uniform if you want to live. 

Second, he’s disagreeing with Sally of all people. If this took place back when he was still crushing on her I doubt he would have said anything. So yet another point for placing this story before SSS#2. 

Third, Antoine is still growing as a character. As we’ll come to find out, he isn’t out right lying here, but he’s still exaggerating just a bit. He’s gotten better but his bragging tendencies still haven’t completely left him yet. 

Last, but not least. Antoine doesn’t portray his friends in a bad light! If this did take place before Mecha Madness you would be sure he’d take this as an opportunity to diss Sonic, but he doesn’t. Remember what I said last time about Twan craving respect, but also giving that respect in return? Antoine knows how it feels to be looked down upon and since the events of Mecha Madness and Endgame, he’s grown to understand that petty pot shots do nothing but hurt others and himself. It also proves that in many ways, Ant is the maturest person in the group. 

So what really happened? Turns out Nicole had a camera on her and recorded the whole thing. Everyone’s story was true in some regard. 
Also this coloring/inking here hurts my eyes. Like I understand why they did it and the effect they were trying to go for, but it really doesn’t work. 

Also Twan is apparently really good a math. The End. 

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