Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 54

“Brave New World” - Sonic Super Special #2

I’ll be honest. While both Bunnie and Ant are present in this story, they don’t really contribute anything to the plot nor do we learn anything new about them. But I wanted to still cover this story for two reasons. 
First this issue has a lot of set up for the up coming arcs and world-building. All of which you need to be slightly familiar with before we progress deeper into our main character’s personal stories.  Just to provide some background info and texture.

Second….I just really, really love this story guys. Along with issues #8 and #37, this special is one of my favorites.  
And I can already see my fellow fans and followers foaming at the mouth and sputtering right now…”But it’s written and drawn by PENDERS! Robotnik’s gone! It marks the beginning of the Dark Ages! Geoffrey! There’s not even any focus on Bunnie and Antoine! How can you even like it, let alone be one of your favs?!!!”

The answer to that dear viewers is simple…… Change.

One of the things I prize this comic for, along with it’s large ensemble cast and extensive world building, is it’s ever evolving nature. Either the characters develop and grow, such as Antoine, or the world in which they inhabit evolves and changes around them. For better or for worse, this issue is the one that sets that standard for the rest of the comic to follow.

After 50 issues, 4 miniseries, and several 48 page specials, the old formula of Robtink vs the FF had grown stale. With the evil doctor out the way for what seemed like for good, this issue provided some interesting consequences and conflicts in its wake. It takes the defeat of the main villain and the ending of a long war and says; “Not everything is magically ok now.” “There’s still crap to deal with.“ That is refreshing to read. And all of those consequences and conflicts are believable and logical.
But enough analyzing. Lets get into the main need to know points…..
  • Rebuilding the war torn city to make it habitable once more, looks like it’ll take a lot of work. So much so, that everyone may be better off still living in Knothole. 
  • Seeing their former childhood homes in disarray, really hits the gang hard.  
  • Snively is still a threat, but has been captured for now.
  • Sally tells Geoffrey up front that she’s no longer interested. Firmly ending the triangle. Surprisingly old Geoff is mature and respectful of her decision.  Unsurprisingly, he and Sonic still hate each other.
  • Sonic’s parents are still alive but robotized. However the effects of Robotnik’s last weapon blowing up has given them back their free will.
  • In fact all of the Robians have their fee will back, but there’s no known cure for being a robot. Growing tensions rise between them and the Mobians.
  • Eventually, Uncle Chuck, leads them out of the city to colonize Knothole. Separate from the rest of the citizenry.
  • King Max is now conscious, but still a living crystal. It’s also been confirmed that he’s a colossal dick.
Now, since this is still a Bunnie and Antoine retrospective, I present you with a collection of Buntwan moments.
They’re holding hands while walking together! Squee!
They’re already very protective of one another.
Well, ok, Bunnie does do one thing that is plot important this issue. She  electrocutes the giant transforming robot Snively sics on everyone.
And Ant gets to break up the fight between Geoffrey and Sonic. I think he’s secretly wanted to do that to both of them for a while.
Wait! Are they sharing a tent together? Are they all ready sleeping together this early in their relationship? Why is it considered improper to live together when not married but perfectly fine to spend the night together, Twan? You’re not fooling anyone Antoine, we all know what ya’ll are up to in there!
And last off some more hand holding.

I think that pretty much coves today’s review, be sure to tune in next time for some more wonderful buntwan moments. ;)

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