Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 53

“Reality Bites” - Sonic the Hedgehog #51

So after the victory party, Sonic is given a medal by his friends and then has a nightmare where all of his friends become robots and turn on him. 
Turns out its more than just a nightmare though. He’s mind is trapped in a virtually reality similar to the one in issue 16. But this time it’s his worse fears coming to life rather than his dearest wishes. 
Fortunately Uncle Chuck builds a machine to reach his subconscious and rescue him. 
And then we get this exchange. 
Antoine was worried about him and said so! Guys, just a few months ago Ant was willing to throw Sonic in jail. He was vindictive and jealous. Even when worried for his safety back in issue 38 , he would immediately go back to resenting him afterwards. 

But here, after the all of the humiliation, coming to terms with his insecurities, and finally finding where he belongs on the team, Antoine finally considers Sonic to be friend not a rival. And more immortally he lets Sonic know that he cares.    

The story ends with an ominous prediction over who set the trap for Sonic. 
I can’t remember if the comic ever answers this question outright, but my bet is that it was Snively.

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