Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 39

“Rage Against the Machine” Mecha Madness I - Sonic the Hedgehog #39 


So Sonic comes up with a brilliant idea for stopping Robotnik. The exact same idea from issue 29. You know, the one that didn’t work…. Yeah everyone else thinks its stupid and shuts him down pretty quickly. 


Good; the writers haven’t forgotten Bunnie’s emotional hangups so soon after the nightmare issue. Looks like we’re finally making progress on the continuity front. 

Sonic, being a sore loser runs off in a huff, prompting this comment from Antoine. 


Many cite the Mecha Madness arc as Antoine’s lowest point.The point when he let his jealousy get the better of him and he betrayed Sonic’s trust and friendship.
However as we make our way through this story, let us examine closely Antoine’s actions, motivations, and reasoning. 
  • Not only did everyone agree that Sonic’s idea was poor but there’s been times when Sonic’s ideas were approved by the council against Antoine’s wishes. Only for it to turn out that Ant was right all along.  
  • Sonic’s known to rush into things headlong and to think on his feet with out seeking advice. This is contrary to Antoine’s way of handling situations which involves carefully thought out strategy and following a chain of command.      
  • Sonic didn’t handle the rejection very maturely
  • Antoine was concerned for Sonic’s safety just last issue and very well may have saved his life.   
In conclusion, I rule that this particular instance isn’t him being an outward jerk, but rather him wanting to take precautions in interest of everyone’s safety.

And weather you agree with Antoine here or not; had someone followed his advice and shadowed Sonic, than this whole mess would never have happened.  Think about that.

Cause after this, while he’s separated from the others, Sonic is knocked out and kidnapped by Nack the Weasel. Who then proceeds to take him to Robotnik in hopes of a reward. 
Sonic is than robotized and sent out to attack Knothole.   


Given Sonic’s behavior when they last saw him, Antoine is more than willing to believe that he was robotized on purpose. Perhaps he is being too hasty, but the danger Sonic presents is very real and thus far there’s no other explanation for his sudden capture.  

Fortunately Bunnie’s on hand to save the day. 


Displaying both some old tricks 


and some new upgrades


While this fight scene is cool and all; it’s rather difficult to commentate on. I’m actually cutting out a lot here cause, while it shows off Bunnie’s awesomeness and her new gadgets, it doesn’t reveal anything new about her as a character.

We’ve the audience have always known she was a heavy hitter and the only person on the team able to go toe to toe with Sonic.

However, as strong and as physically resilient as she is, she isn’t a power player like Sonic and she eventually goes down. Hard!


You know, it’s funny reading this scene now, knowing what’s to come ahead. Had this story happened today or even just a year later, than this event would have gone down so much differently.

Instead of Rotor running to help it would be Antoine rushing to her side. He’d be sick with worry and raging at Mecha-Sonic for hurting her. Possibly even trying to fight his former friend out of duty and revenge despite the futilely of it. Not cowering in the corner like he is here.  

And yet it is his fear that makes this panel a thing of beauty. We can look back upon our favorite character and through hindsight see just how far he has come. Man, I love character development!  

Knuckles comes in to lend a hand, only to get his ass beat as well. 


What is Sally’s nefarious plan? Will Bunnie survive? Can Sonic be stopped? Will Rotor ever win Bunnie’s affections away from Antoine?

Find out next time on the Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective.

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