Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 45

“The Map” - Sonic Super Special #1

So here’s a quick summary of what this review is going to consist of; me going….


and this 


Yup, that pretty much covers it. But if you still wish for something more comprehensive then just keep reading….

So we open up on Antoine reminiscing about his MIA father and his own experiences with the war… and right now my heart is already beginning to break. 


Note: Armand’s hair is black in that picture, but in all of the flashbacks he already has gray/white hair. Meaning he must have had Antoine late in life. 

Also note, that this place is far too cluttered and messy to be Antoine’s home. Either he just made this mess or this is a war/conference/strategy room. Which makes sense regarding the maps and weapons laying around
Anyways, his new girlfriend,Bunnie, swings by to see what he’s up to and we get this exchange….


“But they just started dating last issue! Why aren’t they all lovely dovey?” I hear you proclaim.

Well, honestly, I really like this bit of confrontation. It shows that new relationships aren’t perfect and they need work in order to grow. Antoine still has trouble opening up to people. Especially when it concerns deep personal stuff like trying to live up to his dad. While Bunnie,for her part, still has issues with rejection. And both of them need to work on their communication with each other.

Antoine finds an old map that belonged to his father. 


“….Well, it’s my sword now.” Man that line just really gets to me. You can almost hear the resignation in his voice. Like he’s ever so slowly coming to grips with the fact he’ll probably never see his papa again. 


  Look, see, he already realizes what he did wrong and is willing to apologize. He’s making progress. 

Because Twan’s a lot smarter than most people credit him for, he manages to figure out the location of the map and plans to go out there himself to find whatever it is his dad left behind. 


Look at my baby wearing pants! My man looks good in pants! 
(Ants wearing pants is my weakness, sorry)

Antoine arrives at the “Budding Circle”where the Krduzu once was cultivated, only to find Snively there with his own private army digging away. 


Not to mention, Twan, that the Krudzu weren’t invented until years after his disappearance. So something else must be down there. 

It’s kind of poetic that Antoine’s only solo story has him heading to the origins of the Krudzu. You know the very thing that started his neurosis.

It’s also poetic that both him and Snively are searching for the maps, seeing as they’ve both been the Starscream of their respective sides in the war.  

He tries to sneak away. However, since our poor Sugah-Twan is currently stuck half way between being the Butt-Monkey and the worlds biggest Woobie, things don’t go according to plan. 


Antoine is attacked by the new “Eggbots”. So enjoy my running commentary while I freak out as only a fangirl can.


“I am not going to make it. It’s been a good life.” 


Cause you look hot in them Twan! That’s Why! 


NO! Even when alone and facing death he can’t stop comparing himself to the impossible standers set by Sonic!


Ok, where on Mobius did you get that? What the heck is it? How the hell does it work? And why did you not use that before?!!!! 

So after all that, Ant finally makes to Uncle Chuck’s.


Did you hear that?! Everybody was worried about him?! Not just Bunnie but, everyone. He’s a valued member of the team and a valued friend…. Excuse me while I curl up in the corner and bawl like a baby. 


So here we have some insight into Antoine’s psyche. After all of the screw ups, all of the put downs, all of the self esteem issues, Antoine’s started blaming himself instead of Sonic. And while taking personal responsibility for ones actions is a good thing,Antoine tends to take things a step too far and is really hard on himself.


However all of his self deprecation has two very noticeable side effects in his behavior. Gone is the braggart of old. This new Antoine is much more humble and is working to be more attentive to others feelings. Secondly, his already protective instincts have increased and he’ll now fling himself into the danger to save someone.

Antoine arrives back at the budding circle and  finds his friends already deep in battle with Rotor inured. 


Ant’s getting really tired of your shit Rotor.

Fortunately the day is saved when Robotnik of all people shows up. Turns out Uncle Chuck tattled on Snivley. 


So what does the map lead to? WE NEVER FIND OUT!!!! It’s never addressed or comes up again. Even when Armand returns, Antoine never asks him on panel. 


The rest of the comic features “Battle Royale”. In it Mammoth Mogul tricks the Freedom Fighters and The Chaotix into fighting one another. Here are the edited highlights. 


Here’s Antoine still flying the plane and what a lovely view of Ducly’s bottom he has.  


But if Ducly doesn’t do it for ya, here, have a random ass-shot of Bunnie instead.


See the looks Ant and Bunnie are giving each other? Battle couples communicate strategy with their eyes! Squee! 


For all of you two people who know; I secretly ship Mighty and Bunnie in my Mobius XX Years Later AU. So this bit of interaction amuses me to no end. 


French Fry! Ha! Can I please, please, please, have more of Antoine interacting with The Chaotix. It’s always hilarious when he does. 


Also the king’s better now for some reason and is back to being his oh so charming self. *gag* The end. 

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