Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 2

“Run, Sally, Run” - Sonic Miniseries #1 

As you might have guessed from the title, this is a Sally focused story. Her unwillingness to trust her team mates leads to some early failures. 

Keep in mind the first miniseries could well be in the very early stages of the freedom fighters first efforts to overthrow Robotnik. They’re still very much just kids at the moment. (We know this takes place before the year 3235 where they were all between the ages of 15-17, but just how old they are here is up for debate. I’m guessing between the ages of 12-15. Maybe even younger than that? )   

So we have Sally not quite being a competent leader yet and mistaking bossiness for seriousness. Sonic thinks everything is just a game. Tails is just  tagging along. “Boomer” is more interested in making jokes than in inventing things. While we have Antoine, ironically, being brave! 


and useful as well ! 


So what happened to make him change? Was it a traumatic event? A near death experience? Did he simply grew up and came to realize that war wasn’t all fun and games? Or, being the oldest of the FF, does he have repressed memories of the coup that reemerged over time? WHAT WAS IT?!!


Also we get our first hint that Antoine keeps a journal. Remember this. It’ll be important much later on down the line. 

The rest of the comic is one shot gags and a really stupid story that has Sonic talking underwater. It still hurts my brain to this day.   

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