Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 47

“Sonic the Fugitive” Endgame II - Sonic the Hedgehog #48

After the arrest and trail from last issue; Sonic has been banished for being a “traitor.” 


Will ant’s plane make it out alive? Keep reading to find out…. 

Meanwhile, back at Knothole, everyone tries to come to terms with what has just happened. 


Remember Antoine did see the the events unfold and,while he doesn’t doubt his own eyes,he’s still hesitant to fully accept what’s going on. Bunnie’s resigned her self to the situation and supports Antoine’s evidence even if he himself doesn’t fully believe it.

While they talk, Sonic’s plane crashes and he escapes.


Well, Ant’s going to be pissed. 

Draco, from the Wolf Pack, of all people, is the one to inform the King of Sonic’s escape. Which arouses Antoine’s suspicion. 


So keep in mine, Ant’s been in doubt about Sonic’s guilt since the beginning. Despite being an eye witness to Sally’s death, Twan has learned from the events of Mecha Madness that things aren’t always what the seem to be.

Also, Antoine’s never trust Geoffrey. Draco being chummy with him, along with his suspicious behavior at the bonfire pow wow, has given Ant cause to investigate further. 
And it’s a good thing he does…


For those who don’t know, Draco’s lady friend here is Hershey the Cat. She’s more important to Geoffrey’s development than Twan’s. But since old Geoff and Ant are rivals, she’s still someone to take note of.


So Ant and Bunnie tail him to see what’s up, but then this happens….


Ah, look at her all concerned for her man ;_; 

So while Sonic and Geoffrey kick the shit out of each other and, Ant and Bunnie are carted off to who knows where…. Robotnik invades Knothole.


The End. XD 

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