Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 4

”Meet Me at the Corner of Hedgehog and Vine” - Sonic the Hedgehog #1

So we’re finally in the main series proper and our first story starts off with Antoine. (Well actually it starts with Robonik hatching his scheme of the day, but go with me on this)


We get our first hints that Antoine is not only jealous of Sonic and the attention he gets, but is also in love with Sally.

Antoine not only discovers the threat of the day, but a reoccurring villain that’ll test him later in his character arc…Krudzu. A mechanical plant that can grow at super fast rates.


And he’s still being brave and selfless, guys!

In fact the first real freak out he has is when Rotor does this ....


And to be fair, can you blame him? Even Sonic admits to being “fooled”.

Rotor and Sonic really troll poor Ant all through these early issues. While Sally may get annoyed with him from time to time, she still treats Ant with respect and as an equal member of the team. It’s no wonder that Antoine became enamored with her when she’s the only peer that treats him half way decent.

Then the day is saved by everyone doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


As far as evil plans go; it’s one of Robotnik’s better ones. But the ending is so lazy that it nearly ruins the whole story.

What follows in the comic is a couple of one shot gags, a second story that’s based off of the Casino Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and a recipe for chili-dogs. Seriously. 

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