Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 19

“The Quest” Princess Sally Crusade Part III - Sonic the Hedgehog: In Your Face

So this is the last part of the comic’s first story arc, featured in the comic’s first Sonic Special, and it introduces Nicole, the last of the core FFs. 

So given the story’s significance, it’s rather hard to ignore this bit of character regression.  


If you’re afraid of heights Antoine, then how did you ever mange to fly a plane or an air balloon? Did you just not look down, or something? Or did you conventionally forget your fear for over a year now? 


And to make matters worse, Rotor can now pilot a plane as well. Meaning that now three out of six FFs can fly one. That’s half the team and, while it is important to have some overlap within a small group, Antoine no longer has a unique niche to fill. Remember, he still has yet to ever use his sword in any way outside of randomly brandishing it from time to time.  


And I checked! These aren’t some newcomer writers who aren’t familiar with Antoine’s past continuity. These are the exact same writers who had him flying a plane two issues ago!  


The whole story arc is about Sally coming to terms with the lost of her mentor. It’s actually really touching for the most part and has some of the best story telling in the comic to date.

So, how can Mike Kanterovich and Ken Penders write a sweet, well written character piece about Sally, that not only develops her character but also expands upon her backstory, only to fuck up something so simple about a another character within the same story? 

Not to mention, both Bunnie and Antoine are completely useless in this issue, and are little more than window dressing. Like, why did they even bother having them here? Are they just here for emotional support? Sally’s already got plenty of that. What a waste. 


On the plus side, here are some more buntwan pics


Yeah remember how I mentioned Nicole was in this? Well apparently she’s from the future. A possible alternate timeline future to be exact. The comic has many of these, but this one is often referred to as the Light Mobius future. It’s the one with the best possible outcome. Antoine’s alive an well, Bunnie’s derobotized, and the comic doesn’t mention this, but I’d bet money that the two are together.    

The rest of the comic has a story about Tails going to a barely concealed parody of a Sonic conviction and a gimmicky story that requires mirrors to read.   

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