Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 7

“Olympic Trials and Errors” - Sonic the Hedgehog #5  

So Robotnik challenges Sonic and the Freedom Fighters to compete against him in the Olympics. I would say this is a stupid plan, but hey, isn’t it an actual plot in one of the games, too? 

So far we seen Antoine be arrogant and the butt of everybody’s jokes, but for the most part he’s been a stand up guy. Here however, we get our first instance of him being an actual jerk.   


(Ha.I love Sally getting on to him; once again I love their dynamic )

So two issues ago I theorized that Antoine started to act cowardly after his run in with Krudzu. Well this backs up my theory. Antoine became more and more jerk-ish to compensate for his fear. 


So Robotnik steals sonic sneakers in order to make him slower. 

“Wait! That’s not how it works!” you yell. Well apparently this is a yet another plot point from yet another game; Sonic Labyrinth. In fact the only thing inaccurate here is sonic swimming

Anyways all the other Freedom Fighters have to fill in for Sonic, all with disastrous results. 


(I like that even the badniks call him “Twan”)

So in a bit of karma, Antoine must be the one to race in Sonic’s place and has to get his ass saved by both Tails and Sonic.  

But hey at least he got to help save the day.


So the rest of the comic is a couple of more gag panels and a story ripped straight from The Gummi Bears finale. It was done much better there. 


Also Sally likes to cook, apparently. I bet she and Antoine are cooking buddies and share recipes. They’re just the best! <3  

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