Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 31

“Steel-Belted Sally” - Sonic the Hedgehog #29

So I’m going to try and get through this one really quick today cause there’s not much to talk about regarding Bunnie and Ant, but just enough to warrant it’s inclusion. 

So this story introduces Dulcy the Dragon. Despite being a core freedom fighter in the SatAM cartoon, Ducly was never really very prominent in the comic. (Perhaps the reboot will amend that, who knows?) 


Anyways she and Sonic discover a portable de-robotizer. Now of course the first suggestion of how to use it, is to de-robotize Bunnie. But she gets another idea. 


Now dear readers, may I direct your attention to the bottom left corner…. 


Look at where he’s placing his hands!    


I know that it probably wasn’t the artist’s intention, but it looks like he’s trying to cop a feel here. Hell, maybe it was the intention. The creators have been known for drawing shipping scenes of of these two before.

Ant, honey, we all know your thirsty for some hot cyborg buns but maybe freaking out and accusing her of being a traitor might not be the best approach. Just saying. After all , we also know she’s just as thirsty for you too. It’s not like you have to try so hard.  ;)

Anyways that’s the most important thing to happen in this story. Yeah, I mean Sally does get robotize. Robotnik finds out the scheme and takes away the device that would help her retain her free will and she betrays everybody. So it’s up to Dulcy to save the day, in a desperate bid to make her relevant. (Hint: It doesn’t. ) But really it’s all about the Buntwan guys.

The other half of the comic is just the continuation of Tails story from the last issue.

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