Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 48

“Escape to the Floating Island” Endgame III - Sonic the Hedgehog #49 

So Bunnie and Antoine are transported to Crocbot’s base in Downunda. 


While being held captive there they meet both Crocbot and two of the  Downunda Freedom Fighters. 


Crocbot threatens them all for a bit and then leaves our heroes to worry about their fate. 


All in all there’s not much to talk about here. It’s just all set up for the next issue.
However I do have a couple of things to say about the general on going story.

First, Sonic escapes Geoffrey with the help of Dulcy. Dulcy claims to believe Sonic’s innocence because she can magically tell when people are lying. Which is in of itself a lie. Cause if you remember Battle Royale Dulcy wasn’t able to see through the Mammoth Mogul’s lies.

Secondly, Hershey is revealed to be Sally’s true murderer and it’s a convoluted and and unnecessary plot point.

 Look, I like Hershey. I like the idea of a well meaning person being duped by the bad guys to do their dirty work. I like this timid person who learns from her mistakes and becomes a strong ass kicking woman. I like her relationship with Geoffrey and the good she brings out in him.

But here, her entire reason of existence is pointless. Draco/Robotnik tricked her into wearing a Sonic costume that has electronic eyes that make everyone look like Snivley. While I’ll accept the the wonky science behind that, I don’t accept that she’d knowingly put on a Sonic costume without questioning why.

Not to mention, all of this could have been carried out by a robo-duplicate of Sonic instead. Robotnik had already successfully replaced the King with one and it’s technology that has already been established for some time now. There was no need for Hershey to be involved in any of this in any way. 

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