Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 35

“Blast from the Past” - Sonic the Hedgehog #32

I seriously debated about weather or not I should cover this story. 

The problem is, the comic is at an awkward time right now. It’s wanting to grow and expand its cast and mythology but simultaneously wants to adhere to the old original formula of FFs fight Robotnik and save the day. So therefor what often happens is the Freedom Fighters will appear in a story and will do things, but they never receive any real focus. 

Which leads to my dilemma. Should I cover stories that feature Bunnie and Antoine that have them contributing to the plot even though said actions tell us nothing new about the characters?  What can I add other than just a summarization of the events? 

Well here goes nothing. Though I fear it may be about time to start skipping over some stories….

While on the run from Robotnik and Sonic’s robotized pet dog, Muttski, Antoine literally stumbles upon today’s new character. 


(of course Bunnie’s the first and only person concerned for his well being) 

Meet Mobie the Cave - Man/Bear thing…(IDEK, guys, he looks like the honeycomb monster to me) Anyways, for reasons I can’t even begin to fathom, Rotor decides to bring him back to life by melting the ice and it actually works.

However, turns out restoring an ancient being back life isn’t such a hot idea and of course Mobie freaks the fuck out causing this to happen… 


I think this page is the most actuate depiction of the current love triangle going on right now.  Antoine loves Sally and desperately tries to both protect her and impress her by doing stupid stuff that he’s simply incapable of doing currently. So it’s up to Bunnie, who loves him, to save his dumb oblivious ass.

Bunnie also comes up with a way to communicate with the, uh, man/bear thingy. 


I like this scene cause it’s one of the rare cases that highlights her brains rather than her brawn. 

The idea works, kind of. Mobie remembers his family and runs off to find them only to realize they are gone. Sonic runs after him and they are attacked by Muttski. Sonic uses Bunnie’s suggestion of talking to Mobie and explains why he doesn’t want to hurt his former pet. 


 Mobie understands and rescues Muttski instead of pounding him to a pulp. Later, Sonic and company find Mobie a new home. The end.

Like I said not much going on in terms of Bunnie or Ant arc stuff, but they are there. 
The rest of the comic concludes the Rotor solo story and another cog in the wheel of the increasingly convoluted Knuckles story arc.    

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