Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 46

“ Taking the Fall ” Endgame I - Sonic the Hedgehog #47

And so it begins…..


We open up on the middle of a big attack against Robotnik. Everyone is divided up into three teams. Sonic and Sally are leading the charge while both the Wolf Pack and the Freedom Fighters are standing by. And guess who’s leading the FFs? 


That’s right, after the events of the last issue, everyone’s seen just how capable Antoine really is and how much he’s grown as a person during the last couple of months. It’s been evident for sometime now that Twan has leadership capabilities, but this is the first time he’s been assigned by his peers to take charge. Which is yet another reason why he’s so on edge.

So after a bit of a flashback, Sally is climbing the side of Robotnik’s tower, when this happens. 


Sally falls to her doom all because Sonic supposedly sabotaged the mission. Take note that Antoine is the key witness to these events. He’s the only one to see what’s really happening.

Bunnie’s the first one to rush to her side. Not only because they’re best buds but also because she’s “the best equipped” to reach her in time.    


Random time to say this, I know, but this is literally the best work Art Mawhinney has ever done on the comic, I swear!      

Doctor Quack, proclaims that Sally’s vitals are low and they must retreat back to Knothole immediately if they want to save her. The Wolf Pack offers to stay behind and cover their escape. Prompting Antoine’s self-deprecation issues to re-emerge. 


Wait can’t both you and Tails fly

Poor Antoine, all he wants to do is protect people, but he doesn’t realize that self-blame and spreading yourself too thin helps no one.

Anyways, back at Knothole, the Doctor delivers some bad news. 


I love that panel at the bottom. Sally is both Bunnie’s and Antoine’s best friend. They’ve known and cared about her for years and the news of her “death” sends them both reeling. However, instead of simply rushing into each  others arms as you might expect, they just stand there in shock looking into one another’s eyes seeking comfort. It’s shows that they still have a long way to go in their relationship. They’re not fully 100% comfortable around one another yet, but they are starting to rely on each other just a little more.

Sonic finally arrives and is arrested for treason, again. Only this time it’s Geoffrey slapping the cuffs on him instead of Antoine. 


All through out the arrest and the upcoming trail, Antoine takes no part in any of it. Despite being a key eye witness. This will be brought up next issue, but for now, suffice to say that Ant is torn. He’s seen the evidence, real evidence this time. But he’s falsely accused Sonic once before and, he doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice.
So Sonic is banished and Sally’s dead….How could things get possibly worse for our heroes? Find out next time on The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective!

Also for funsies, here is Antoine answering all of the fan-mail. 


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