Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 9

“Princess Cruises”  - Sonic the Hedgehog #7


I’m honestly just sitting here enjoying these little silly gag panels; falling ever more in love with the Sally/Antoine dynamic. They are thing to be treasured. 


Because as we get further and further into the comic, little character pieces like this are going to become fewer and fewer. There’s many reasons for this; a shift to longer plots, focus placed on more action, an ever expanding cast, and over time the comic becoming shorter with fewer pages.  

None of these are inherently bad things, (well except maybe the paying more for less comic thing), but they do come at a price. We lose some of the camaraderie between the core FFs. Especially after they start pairing off and romantic triangles become more of a thing. So let me enjoy my Antoine and Sally friendship while it lasts. 

The rest of the comic is a few more gag panels, a treasure hunt with Tails and Boomer, and a story where Robotnik falls in love with Sally cause he thinks she’s a witch.

As weird as that sounds the only thing you need to take way from it is this…..    


Awww, Antoine’s over protective of Sally and it annoys her! They are totally my Brotp, guys.  

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