Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 40

”Mecha Madness” Mecha Madness II - Sonic & Knuckles Mecha Madness Special  

Last we left off Sally had a controversial idea that could save the day from a robotized Sonic. 


( Dang, Ant must be stronger than he looks. It’s no easy task to catch a full grown person hurtling threw the air and than carry them around for who knows how long. )  


Ok two things, here…… First Antoine seems just a little too eager to jump on Sonic’s case. However, from his point of view he really believes Sonic to be at fault here. Also, he’s at least willing to investigate and give Sonic a trial by his peers. That’s a whole lot more than you could say for some other good guy antagonists that the comic sports.
Secondly they’ve kept the robotizer that Bunnie was once trapped in in an effort to rebuild and reverse the process. Presumably, to help her, cause as Sally will state later, the robotizer can only derobotize its original occupants. However, it couldn’t have been easy for Bunnie having that thing, the source of her trauma, lying around. I can imagine she avoids Rotor’s workshop when possible because of it.  

Sallly’s plan is to place Knux into the robotizer, to which Rotor asks the ethical question of weather or not doing so would make them as bad as Robotink. Keep in mind Sally’s planing on throwing him in there while he’s still unconscious, supposedly with a free will chip in place, but still taking away his ability to choose.  

Fortunately all moral dilemmas are avoided when Knuckles wakes up. 




Sally snaps Knux out of it with a round house kick and some reminiscing of the good old days. 


So nothing heals Bunnie faster than gossip huh? It is now my personal headcannon that when ever she’s sick or inured all her friends try to cheer her up with the latest juicy rumors and bring her tabloid magazines.     

Anyways, it looks here like they are trying to set up a romance between Sally and Knux, but its a bait and switch. They are just good friends and nothing more and it’s refreshing to see that in the comic.

The big tip off early on is Ant’s not jealous of him like he is with Geoffrey and Sonic. Then again, he seems to be terrified of Knuckles after what happened here. Fortunately that won’t last long. They’ll be good buds in no time.

Knuckles agrees to be robotized despite warnings to the contrary. 


That line from Bunnie really hits you hard. Yeah, she’s being glib about it but, she honestly believes her cybernetics are an obstacle in her relationships. Despite having such a strong support group in her friends.

Well there’s two theories here. Either other people off screen have made her feel unwelcome and unwanted or, the more likely reason, her unrequited affections for Antoine have given her self esteem issues.

It’s been established for a while now that Bunnie secretly likes Ant. In fact, she’s arguably been smitten with him since they first met. But outside of a few flirty moments and one grateful peck on the cheek, Antoine has only seen her as a friend up till now.

One can’t help but wonder if after all this time, Bunnie’s begun to blame her robotic limbs for this. Cause after all Sally doesn’t have them and Antoine fawns over her. In fact every one seems to go gaga for Sally.While everyone admires and respects Bunnie for her abilities; no one seems to show her the same affection and desire that they all have for her best friend .

Yet instead of getting jealous of her bestie Bunnie’s been subconsciously blaming herself and her situation. It kind of explains why she’s been to afraid to just tell Antoine how she feels. It also explains partly why Bunnie feels the need to be reassured by Antoine and why she always seems so lost with out him.

As for the real reason behind Antoine’s love for Sally; he’s known her longer. They’ve been good friends since childhood. He’s deeply loyal to her out of both respect to that friendship and his duty as a knight, which has borne a devotion that is akin to love. Lastly, for years she was the only person on the team that treated him with respect.

Moving right along; a big battle ensues while everyone else just watches from the sidelines. Both Knux and Sonic are critically inured, but turns out Sonic has retained some of his old self because of all the magic rings he’s come in contact with over the years. 


See what I mean about Ant’s jealousy issues


While I didn’t cover that issue, the one billionth ring is a major magic MacGuffin in the comic. One that’ll eventually save Antoine’s life later.

With the power of the rings and Nicole’s help Sonic is restored while Knuckles is successfully derobotized. Only Sonic doesn’t remember a thing.


Knux leaves offended and Antoine formally arrests Sonic. 


So is this Antoine’s lowest point? The moment when he betrayed Sonic. Not quite but it’s leading up to it. For you see everyone believes Sonic let himself be robotized willingly due to his previous behavior, its not just Antoine. For right now Twan is fully justified in his actions. It’s in the next issue where he finally spirals out of control.

The rest of the comic feature a Chaotix story, which introduces both the Destructix and Mammoth Mongol; the Sonic version of Vandal Savage. also there’s another story about the 40 Fathom Freedom Fighters who first appeared in the Tails mini series. There’s no regulars in it so it’s pretty boring.

P.S. If the robotizer works at derobotizeing Knuckles than how come Bunnie never uses it? Is that ever explained? 

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