Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 14

“Space in Yo’ Face” - Sonic the Hedgehog #13

So we open up with Sonic carving a statute of Antoine


Yeah he’s still making snide remarks but at least he’s doing something nice for a change instead of pulling nasty pranks. It’s important to note that despite the rivalry between them, Antoine and Sonic have been friends for years at this point. You need little moments like this to showcase that. Other wise there would be no reason for them to patch up their relationship later after their falling out. Instead you would wonder why they would even bother if they were never friends to begin with. 

Anyways Sally and Rotor run in to report that Robotnik has created a new powerful airship that could roboticize anyone and everyone with a just a shot from it’s ray beam.


In short it’s a proto-Death Egg. And giving that the other story this issue is an adaptation of Sonic 3 & Knuckles that makes a lot of sense. 

The FFs steal the Death Egg mark 0 and take off to space. Robotnik peruses and they all crash land on one of Mobius’s hundred moons. Where Sonic tricks the evil Dr. with his sculpting techniques. 


Also, speaking of Sonic 3 & Knuckles , We learn in the adaptation that Tails can fly a plane now. 


It’s always been my personal head-cannon that Antoine taught Tails how to pilot an aircraft. 
  1. Because up till now Ant has been the only pilot of the group
  2. Tails is still the youngest and is learning different things from all the FFs
  3. It gives him and Antoine something to bond over
These are the only two stories in the book, so I think it is safe to say that the one shot gag pages are officially gone. 

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