Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 1

“Don’t Cry for me Mobius!” - Sonic Miniseries #0 

So I thought I’d go through and re-read all of the significant stories featuring my favorite sonic characters. Who together create my ultimate OTP. Just to do an in depth character study as an excuse to gush over how awesome these two are.  

First up we have “Don’t Cry for me Mobius!” which is the first story of the Archie Sonic series and consequently the first story to feature Antoine D’Coolette.

Nothing too significant happens in this story it’s just setting up the status quo for the up coming series.
  • Robotnik is the villain   
  • Sonic’s the cocky hero 
  • Sally’s the down to earth leader 
  • Tails is the “Tagalong Kid”  
  • “Boomer” a.k.a Rotor is the deadpan snarker 
  • And Antoine is the “Butt Monkey” 


Sure he’s over confident and the gang likes to poke fun at him, but it is important to note that he is helpful even in this first issue. He reports the danger of the day to the rest of the group and is concerned for Tails’ safety.   

Oddly enough though, Antoine’s note worthy cowardice isn’t really brought up this issue. Since everyone is also scared of Robotnik’s attack. Everyone save Sonic that is.

The rest of the issue is a few one or two page gags and a story about the Robotnik’s take over of Mobius; as told by Sonic. Who, as we’ll learn later, colored some of the facts.  

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