Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 8

“Here Comes the Bribe” - Sonic the Hedgehog #6 


Oh Antoine, I would have written that letter for nothing. Because it’s all true. Deep down Ant is noble, he does put up with a lot of shit from Sonic and Rotor, and he did save Sonic’s ass back in the miniseries as the comic itself points out. 

Also in that middle panel, is that the prank Sonic pulled that caused Antoine to lose his hair?  It certainly looks it! Sonic you dick! Not only did you pull a dangerous stunt that gave him severe burns, you laughed about it after he got hurt, and then proceeded to mock him repeatedly afterwards for his lost hair. No wonder Ant hates him. My poor sugar-Twan! 


The rest of the comic is some more gags, a Soinc Spinball adaptation, and a Christmas Carol adaptation which turns out be a dream sequence. Since all franchises require such an adaptation at some point (either that or It’s Wonderful Life ) I guess it’s best they got it out of the way now. Though it’s odd that they still celebrate Christmas given what we’ll later know about Mobius.    


Also, Look at my babies singing together! Squee! 

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