Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 12

“Twan with the Wind” - Sonic the Hedgehog #10

So we finally have a true Antoine focused story.  


Antoine is back to piloting a hot air balloon again and making up crap about how he use to be head of the air force under King Max. Yeah, you were only like 7 when the coup happened Ant. Your not fooling anyone except maybe Tails, who’s too young to remember, and Bunnie; who’ve you’ve only know for a few months. But even then I doubt it. 

So a buzzbomber comes along and rains on the gang’s parade.  And everyone tells him to give up on his creative idea for expanding their combat resources.


Piloting is the one thing right now that he can do competently, that is all uniquely his own. Yes he knows how to use a sword, but he hasn’t used it in any great capacity yet. Prompting me to believe that he hasn’t master it so far. Also, while he may train recruits, it’ll be shown later that he’s not the only one who does.  

Antoine is therefore surrounded by very talented people who all contribute to the cause in their own unique way: super strength, super speed, superior intellect, flight, natural leadership skills…. Meanwhile, he’s trying to find his niche and he keeps getting shot down figuratively and literally. So, it’s no surprise that he doesn’t take this set back very well.  


Remember he’s been screwing up a lot lately, what with the Kruduz, the Olympics, and with Pseudo-Sonic. That last one in particular was a very big fuck up. Combine that with the constant teasing he gets from Sonic and Rotor and you can understand why he’s so disappointed with this latest failure. 
But our beautiful boy isn’t one to give up so easily! Bless him! 


Anyways, Robotnik attacks the rest of the Freedom Fighters while they are having a picnic and it’s Antoine to the rescue! 


I know, I know. I shouldn’t just post up over half of the story, but it’s too glorious to cut. Antoine, for the first time, really shows just what he’s capable of. He’s clever, resourceful, brave, and most importantly perseverant.
That’s the true charm behind his character. No matter what bullshit life throws his way (and trust me it’s a lot) he always takes it in stride and perseveres. He never gives up on neither himself nor anyone else for that matter. 

So there’s no gag panels in this issue surprisingly. We may have seen the last of them for a while. The rest of the comic instead introduces a story with the Nerbs. They have their fans, (most notably comic artist Jonathan H. Gray if I remember rightly) but I’m not one of them.  

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