Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 6

“ Antoine’s Vain Refrain” & Hare Styling” - Sonic the Hedgehog #4 

Look, they both get gag panels focused on them in the same issue. How cute! They’re destined for each other. 


Can I stop to declare how much I love Sally and Antoine together. Not romantically or anything but as friends. I love their dynamic in these early issues. I love how he’s her go to guy for random stuff she needs help with. I love how she’s a barge into things headlong “We can do it!” type person while he’s the more cautious “voice of reason” type who tags along out of loyalty to his friends. They’re totally besties guys. 


So someone pointed out to me last review that the whole “ Hairdresser” thing was meant to be joke. Like I legit never got that before. Yeah, I knew they made jokes about it, like here. But I never stopped to consider that the writers would actually make a character’s life goal and point of development into a pun.

That is either evil genius or just plain dumb. I’m not sure which. 

The rest of the comic is a couple more gag panels, a story about Tails, and the first appearance of Super Sonic.

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