Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 43

“Bugged Bunny” - Sonic Blast 

So we finally get a another Bunnie solo mission and it suffers from the same problem as the last solo adventure. Too much focus on the villains and not on the protagonist herself.  


So Robotnik and Snively place a tracking device on Bunnie in attempt to use her to find Knothole. Only she keeps leading them through tough terrain, that makes it hard for them to follow. 


Only, unlike the last story, it’s made clear that she doesn’t know what’s going on and she’s not leading them on a wild goose chase on purpose. 


She literally saves the day by shear luck and never finds out that she did! She has no agency within this story. It’s just a lame excuse to show off her powers again. Which is something that we the audience already know by now.

The only reason I can think of as to why this story exists, is that the writers knew Bunnie was popular, but they didn’t understand why she was popular. “Oh, she has cool unique powers. That must be why the kids like her. Lets show that off more.” No. The reason why people care about Bunnie is that her cool powers come at a personal cost to herself. Unlike, Sonic or Knuckles, there is internal-conflict and drama going on with her in addition to the outside forces she must fight.


Anyways, this story and the rest of the special feels like a throw back to the earlier years of the comic. Not only do we have a stand alone game adaptation, but also a 2 page gag story that seems like a call back to the gag panels of old. 


At least they’ve remembered the other Freedom Fighters this time, unlike last years awards. 


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