Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 49

“The Big Goodbye” Endgame IV - Sonic the Hedgehog #50

So the last issue of Endgame has like a million and one plot points to resolve but not enough page space to solve them in. So a lot of subplots have gotten heavily edited down and it shows.

And possibly the biggest cuts were made to Bunnie and Antoine’s part of the plot.
We hear about an uprising on Downunda off screen….


and, then next thing you know, they’re both in Robotnik’s lair overhearing his grand scheme for world domination. 


Only thing is, due to the cuts, we never get a clear idea of exactly what it is he’s planing. It’s something about destroying the world, but we don’t know how he’s going to do it.  
Just know it’s big bad weapon and leave it at that. 


Bunnie and Ant decide to sabotage the “weapon” with a bomb but, we never get to see them follow through with that idea. Instead the book goes on to depict an awesome, if slightly confusing, final epic fight sequence between Sonic and Robotinik.

Then they just so happen to all be back in Knothole, with little explanation.

In this version of the story, Bunnie and Ant come across as little more than an after thought; with little to no bearing on the plot. In this version, anyways. We will be looking at two other retellings of their story in the near future.  

In the meanwhile, issue 50 isn’t a complete bust. For a straight up action adventure story it’s well paced and, even though the subplots get sideline, it keeps the focus where it should be. Which is the final showdown between the main hero and his arch nemesis.
In addition, this last issue of the arc does something really neat and unique with the art. Every known artist at the time got to work on a couple of pages of the story. It really highlights the variety of different styles the book had at the time and the strengths of the respective artists. Even Penders manages to bring up his game and give us some half decent art.

If you have a copy I highly recommend just flipping through it see how many artists you can spot. 

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