Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 23

”The Vol-Ant-Teer!”- Sonic the Hedgehog #23

This is it! This is the story we’ve all been waiting for! The beginning of one of the best ships ever to be created! 


So the story starts with Tails crying over the fact that he accidentally left a power ring in Robotropolis. Instead of scolding him, Antoine selflessly offers to retrieve the lost artifact by himself. 


( I love Bunnie’s cute little nightdress here)   

So Ant travels to the enemy lair and unbeknownst him he keeps narrowly averting disaster. The comic implies that someone is secretly helping him, while trying to keep the identity of who that person is hidden. However, it’s pretty obvious.


Remember how I pointed out last review that the artists have had Bunnie help Ant out from time to time. I theorized that she did so out of a crush for him. Well this story is my main reasoning for such a theory. 

Ant returns unharmed and along with giving the ring back to Tails, he sagely gives him some advice as well. 


Note, how in the first picture Antoine was indignant over the mere suggestion that he may not be as capable or as brave as Sonic? Now here, after his experiences, he shows some maturity and humility. Being brave isn’t placing yourself in danger just to show off. 

And now for the real point of this story. 


Oh and there’s another story in this issue that involves aliens, ants, and Robotink teaming up with the freedom fighters or some shit…. but who cares! Bunnie and Antoine are now finally flirting with each other!!!!  


I am just so happy right now. I needed this today.

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