Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 28

“Fortified” - Sonic the Hedgehog #26

Let’s talk about the problem with Bunnie, shall we? 

Ever since her first appearance the writers just haven’t known what to do with her. In one story she’s over-powered to the max. So much so, you wonder how Robotnik could possibly stay in businesses. In another, her abilities are completely forgotten or drastically depowered. But most of the time she’s just conspicuously absent for the whole proceedings. 

 The reasons for this are twofold. First, as I mentioned back in my “Animal Magnetism” review, Bunnie has no real defined weaknesses yet. We the audience are just left to assume she has limitations, otherwise most of the stories featuring her wouldn’t make sense. And since the writers themselves don’t know how much power she does or doesn’t have she can’t be presented consistently. 

The second reason? Sonic’s the hero. For better or worse, this is his book. He’s the one meant to take center stage and therefore be the one to usually save the day. Others like Sally or Knuckles can shine on their own from time to time, but they must either save the day with Sonic’s help or on a solo mission without him around. And unlike those characters previously mentioned Bunnie apparently has never been popular enough to warrant her own series. (Though I’d totally buy and read the heck out it if that happened)

Last off, both Sonic and Bunnie are heavy hitters capable of taking out major threats on their own. This makes it even harder for the writers to strike a balance between the two without one upstaging the other. It can be done, as we’ll see later, but no one’s figured it out just yet.       

So we get stories, like today’s, where Sonic must be temporarily put out of commission in order to allow Bunnie the chance to do anything. 


While on the run from Robotnik, Sonic’s sprained his ankle and he and the gang must take refuge in an old abandoned fort.

Once there, Antoine hits upon a great idea!


To bad it’s just not one that’ll work. :( Nice try though. 

Sonic instead hit’s upon another one. Cause he’s the hero. :P He still has to have a hand in saving the day even when he can’t physically do it himself.  


(Bunnie don’t you DARE ever wish for that!) 

So Soinc’s idea is have Rotor make her some armor to help her fight Robotink, cause apparently her super strength isn’t enough to defeat him now. Unlike all the other times she’s kicked his butt.

See what I mean about her inconsistent powers? Like what makes this attack so different that she need’s extra protection? 


(Is this where Rotor got the idea for “Iron Rotor” from?) 

Not to mention the suit does literally nothing. Except for like one time when she headbutt’s a bunch of swatbot’s, which I bet she could have achieved the same effect by punching them, everything she does involves using her regular cybernetics.   


Though we do get to see her use her stretchy limbs for the first time I believe. 


Now if this really is the first time she’s used this ability, could it be that Rotor did more than just make her a suit? Did he also give her an upgrade? Cause why else has she not used this power until now?

The second story in the comic has the evil doctor create a weather machine. The gang meets the Tundra Freedom Fighters and all go missing for a week due to Robotnik’s freak snow storm. Once again Bunnie is absent for the whole thing. Poor dear must have been worried sick over her friends being lost in a blizzard for over a week. :( 

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