Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 38

“The Rise of Robotropolis…The Fall of Sonic” - Sonic the Hedgehog #38 

So we open up with Tails, Antoine, and Sonic on a reconnaissance mission after Robotropolis fell to an earthquake last issue. 


And can I just say, I love this set up. Back in the comic’s early days the FFs would be paired up into unique teams for different missions, allowing for greater camaraderie within the group.

And what I particularly love about this dynamic is that they are all brothers essentially. They grew up together, played together, fought together, and were all raised by Rosie. Now factor in their age differences and you clearly get an older, worry wart, big bro in Antoine, a cooler “everybody’s favorite” trouble making middle kid in Sonic, and the younger more timid but “still wants to be looked up too like his older bros are” Tails.  

In short they’re like Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. But with a bigger sibling rivalry/ love triangle thrown into the mix. (also more explosions)


Now if only the poor, forgotten, fourth brother could get in on this dynamic from time to time; I’d be truly happy…… Poor Rotor’s like Shemp from the Three Stooges. The writers always seem to forget he’s part of the group. :( 

Anyways, Sonic is inured in the blast and like a good bro, Antoine stays behind to take care of him while Tails goes to get help. 


This just further emphases that Antoine’s rivalry with Sonic is more akin to that of a sibling than just simply a friend. He’s jealous of Sonic and the competition between the two of them isn’t just a friendly game to see who’s better like with Sonic and Knuckles. Both Antoine and Sonic are capable of being really nasty to each other like siblings in real life will often do. They both go out of their way to tear the other one down both verbally, emotionally, and socially. Yet at the end of the day they still care about one another. No matter what they still have each other’s back.


(What Antoine’s thinking right now: “Ungrateful blaireau, I spent all night protecting your derriere from combots and do I get even one word of thanks? Non!”)  

So turns out Sonic’s ok for the most part, but he’s super speed is gone, cause … reasons. 


Rotor theorizes that the magic ring Sonic was holding at the time of the explosion might have something to do with it, so they all figure more power rings might reverse it? ok, I guess. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but they are “magic” so I suppose it doesn’t have to.

While out hunting for more rings they are ambushed by combots and everyone but Sonic is captured. 


Well I guess we finally have a physical weakness for Bunnie. She can’t breath knock out gas. Though that can’t just be specific to only her. In fact it rather makes you wonder why Robotnik hasn’t tried to gassed the whole forest yet in order to destroy Knothole.    

So sonic teams up with the substitute Freedom Fighters to rescue the gang and find the other magic rings he needs.

They succeed and he gets his speed back and then this happens.  


Alright, here’s the real reason why I covered this story. Nack the weasel first appeared in the Sonic special Triple Trouble. Now I didn’t cover that issue cause Ant and Buns weren’t in it, but Nack will be important in the next coming arc. Apparently, according to the next story Nack has been in prison at Knothole this whole time and this is the instance where he escapes. While everybody is distracted with the earthquake. Remember this viewers cause I’m going to come back to this scene really soon.

The rest of the comic has cute story where Tails tries to read comics that he made to a sick Sonic. 

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