Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 5

“Rabbot Deployment” - Sonic the Hedgehog #3 

Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything in issue 2; just a crossover with AoStH and the discovery of the pocket dimensions known as “zones”.  

However this is the biggest issue so far. The one to really provide some shake up to the on going story. For here we finally meet Bunnie Rabbot!  


So the story starts with Rotor and Sonic traveling to the “Southern Sector of Mobius” ( later known as “ The Southern Baronies of the Kingdom of Acorn”) to do a reconnaissance mission.

Once there, they find Robotnik’s Swatbots have captured a poor native.


They help her, of course, but they’re just a little too late. 


Rotor makes a good point, though. Logic would dictate that Robotnik would put a tracking device on all his robots to keep up with them. Which was why Antoine was concerned the robot duplicate back in the miniseries would give their location away. Here though, we can only assume that Sonic stopped the robotization process before such a device could be implanted, because it’s never again brought up as an issue. 


Bunnie bounces back real quick from her traumatic experience. Too quick even. I would complain, but I know this will be followed up better in later stories. So for right now I’ll call it shock. The reality of what has just happened to her hasn’t fully set in yet. 


I’m trying my best not to just post the whole comic. Honestly, I am. But there’s just a lot to cover with this issue. 
  • First off, Bunnie automatically knows what her new cybernetics can do and can control them accurately. O.k., how is that possible? Is there a neurochip in her brain that attaches her nervous system to her robotic limbs? Actually that makes sense once I stop to think about it. 
  • Secondly, she’s already flirting with everything in sight. Particularly Sonic, her rescuer. 
  • Third, she wants to become a hairdresser. Now I never got this. Like, I have nothing against her dream or anything. I just want to know why. She never mentions why this is her life long goal or even talks about her passion for it all that much. Which is a shame. It’s nice to have a Freedom Fighter who fights for something more that just “peace”. She fights to have a normal life and a career outside of fighting. But this sadly falls to the wayside as time wears on.         


So Antoine runs in to tell the danger of the day, again. You notice he always seems to be to one to find the trouble, isn’t he? Also, while he does have a good reason to be concerned, he seems just a little bit more frantic than before. I think his nervous tics are finally starting to show themselves. Could it be that his run in with Kurdzu is what sent him over the edge?  Actually that would make sense from a thematic stand point, considering whats to come later.


Also, both Bunnie and Antoine express admiration for the other. This ship hasn’t sail yet, but it’s docked in the harbor getting ready to. 

Bunnie helps save the day.


And decides not to pursue sonic any more while she’s at it  


(Sorry Sonic x Bunnie shippers)    

And then everyone has a good laugh over the fact that Antoine wears a wig


Yeah, it’s been hinted at before, but here it’s confirmed. According to The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia Antoine lost his hair when Sonic pulled a particularly nasty prank on him. Don’t worry though, it will grow back. 

So the rest of the comic is some one shot gags and a story about Rotor disguising himself as Robotnik to steal a bomb from him. Also, this.....


Younger, brattier Sally flipping out and Antoine being the first guy she picks to help her sort things out; amuses me to no end.  

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