Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 42

“Scrambled” The Death Egg Saga I - Sonic Quest #1

So between issues, King Acorn was rescued from the Zone of Silence. However he isn’t doing too well. 


So Sally splits the gang into teams to go searching for power rings to help cure him. 


This is important because this is the first time Bunnie and Ant have been paired together on a mission. Up til now they’ve only worked together when in a larger group. (Not counting #23 cause Ant didn’t know she was there until after the mission was over)

So it’s the perfect chance for some quality bonding time, right? Well, we’ll never know cause they stay off screen for the rest of the story. We only hear snippets of their misadventure through other’s dialogue from time to time.  

Apparently, they got lost in the woods cause Antoine can’t read a map right. Or at least that’s the excuse they give Rotor. Personally, I like to think they were up to something else.     


Anyways, the rest of story focuses on Sonic and Tails as they discover Robotink’s ultimate weapon the Death Egg. 


It’s a plan he’s been working on since issue 13 and it’s one he’ll return to again. And next time it’ll have a bigger impact on both Antoine and Bunnie.

PS. I understand the strategy behind Sally’s team ups. But I can’t help but wonder if she knew about her best friend’s crush and wanted to help them get closer.

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