Monday, June 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 3

“A Crowning Achievement” - Sonic Miniseries #2 

So Robotnik steals the “Freedom Emeralds” from the Crown of Acorn and Sonic must work with both Tails and Antoine to retrieve them. (One can only assume they’re really chaos emeralds. Those things used to be every where in the comic’s early days.)   

We get a lot of new information on Antoine in this issue.

First, he’s in charge of training the new recruits. A task that gets called back to from time to time.


And after this Hamilton robo-duplicate steals the emeralds


(So how come Robonik still doesn’t know Knothole’s location after this? Did the robot blowing up destroy the intel?)    

Antoine bravely volunteers to get them back.


He’s still being brave and stuff!! When does this change and why does it change? 

Also Antoine knows how to fly a hot-air balloon. He’ll later become the resident pilot of the group.


( Look I know that when the comic was first starting out they didn’t have any particular ages in mind. But knowing what we know now, Ant here can’t be any older than 15! What do you mean “collage years”? You mean those few scant years at the military academy before the coup? )   

Then this happens....


Antoine saves Sonic! Despite not getting along and being rivals, Antoine still cares about the life of his fellow comrades. And he’s still being competent and useful!
Last off Ant is the one to interrogate the downed swat bot and then takes one of the emeralds back to Sally. 


The rest of the comic has Sonic hook up with tails to get the rest of the emeralds back, and features yet another sequence where he talks underwater. 


There’s also a few gag panels scattered about. However this is the first full comic story we’ve gotten so far. 

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