Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 60

“Icon” Icon Part 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog #62

So we’ve spent the last couple of reviews setting up future stories for Antoine. Now it’s Bunnie’s turn. 

Meet Jack the Rabbit and his band of Sandblast Freedom Fighters. Sandblast City is located in the Southern Baronies, the area that Bunnie is from. And what makes Jack and the Sandblasters unique is that they are actually villains. 

They’re fulled with rage and blinded by prejudice. They fight Robotnik/Eggman not for freedom for all, but to further their own agendas. And in many ways Jack could be considered Bunnie’s arch rival. (that same role could also be given to her Uncle Bo, but more on him later)   

However, they first come across as friends to Tails and Sonic, united against a common enemy. Remember how General D’Coolette and his band of thugs still were under the influence of their conditioning? Well the same is happening here, and we get a few hints as to why. 

Somewhere in orbit is a satellite that appears to be commanding them, unbeknownst to everyone else. However who is controlling them and why, is yet to be seen.  

The rest of the issue continues a story arc about Geoffrey and his newly formed secret service strike squad. The only important thing of note here is that one of the new recruits is his future wife, Hersey. 

There’s is an, uh.. interesting relationship, to say the least. 

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