Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 65

“What Ever Happened to Queen Alicia?” The Forbidden Zone I - Knuckles the Echidna #19

Oh look, Antoine actually does appear in an issue of the Knuckles series and gets to do something useful. 


Too bad he doesn’t get to stick around. 


Yeah I know, I’m grasping at straws here. As much as I enjoy this era of the book, there is like next to nothing for Ant and Bunnie to do. Especially Bunnie, who has really gotten the shaft story wise here lately. 

I also thought it interesting enough to show off this scene since it’s one of the  few times Ant interacts with someone other than the FF. And all on his own too without Bunnie, Sonic, or Sally hanging around.

It just helps to give the book and its world a sense of believably. People don’t just exist within their own little circles all the time. They have to get out and interact with others, have friends that aren’t necessarily friends with their group, acquaintances that they run into while indulging in a personal hobby, or coworkers that they don’t get along with but have to tolerate anyways. 

Like with Ant and Geoff here. They aren’t trying to kill each other anymore,but they clearly don’t respect one another. In many ways Geoffrey is Antoine’s rival in the same way Knuckles and Sonic once were. They fight for the same cause, they both dislike and think little of the other, and over time will grow a begrudging respect for one another. Only they’ll never become real friends, like Sonic and Kunx did.

Anyways the whole point of this story arc is to introduce Queen Alicia and Sally’s brother Elias. 


More on them later folks. 

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