Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 63

“Stop…Sonic Time!” Sonic Kids II - Super Sonic Special #5 

This is the story of how Tails got his shoes. 

*cricket chirping* 

Yeah, I know that premise sounds dumb but let me explain. Sonic’s shoes are specially made by his Uncle Chuck to not wear out when he runs. Tails, wanting to be “just like Sonic”, wished for his own set of special shoes.  

So at his (good grades?) party, everyone is giving him presents and here’s what Antoine gave him. 
  Turns out that medal belonged to his dad. Also, by this point, said dad is now MIA, and possibly proclaimed dead. 

“Wait, just last review you said Antoine hadn’t lost his parents yet!” 

Yeah, but we can infer that sometime has past since then and at the very least his father is now gone. (maybe even his mother too) There are three reasons why I believe this. 
First everyone is slightly older here. Tails is in school now, Rosie’s taking care of everybody not just Sally, and Sonic can run off on his own. 

Second is Antoine’s behavior. 
He’s taken up his bragging behavior in order to live up to his father and possibly to avoid acknowledging his loss. Hence why he acts as if his father’s medal was his own. To impress those around him and it’s one less reminder that he may never see his dad again. Given his later attachment to his papa’s sword and uniform, one could infer that the loss was very recent and he’s right now in the denial stage of grief.  

But less we forget, this is still a very important artifact for Antoine. Even if he’s in denial of his father’s death and is putting up a front, he still knows deep down that he’s gone. And he wouldn’t simply part with it for just any old thing. 

He gave the medal to Tails specifically for a reason. He cares about him! Tails is in many ways the little brother he never had and the rest of the Freedom Fighters are now his only family. Antoine may not be as close to Tails as Sonic is, but they are still extremely close. And the medal is Twan’s way of saying that “you are important to me.” Antoine craves respect and admiration from those he loves, but also gives that same respect and admiration back. In his eyes Tails deserves that medal. 
Anyway’s the third reason for beveling the kids are now older than in “When You and I Were Young, Sally.” Is that this is also Sonic’s first battle with Robotnik. 

After picking up the shoes from Tails’ Uncle Merlin.  
Yeah, so Tails’ story parallels that of Sonic’s. Only his shoes and uncle are magic based instead of science based.    

Sonic comes back to Knothole to discover everyone frozen in time due to Robotnik’s freeze ray. Sonic of course puts a stop to his plan and gives Tails his present. 
 And we can already see the seeds of jealousy between Antoine and Sonic being sown.

Anyways be sure to back next time when we wrap up the rest of SSS#5. 

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